I'm Looking forward to it!

Liu Qingyun said, "Mr. Yang's talent and comprehension are extremely high. I believe that Mr. Yang will definitely surpass himself again and achieve a breakthrough!"

"That's right."

Hu Dongyuan continued, "I've lived for so many years. Mr. Yang is the most talented young man I've ever seen!

In the entire martial arts world, no young man can compare to him!"

Bujie grinned and said, "Of course. My Brother Yang is the most awesome!"

"Brother Yang will definitely break through!"

Prajna waved her fist and cheered for Yang Luo in her heart.

Everyone also looked at Yang Luo, looking forward to his breakthrough.

Seconds ticked by.

More than an hour passed.

Rumble rumble rumble!

With Yang Luo as the center, the mountains began to tremble!

At first, it was only a light tremor, but gradually, the mountain shook even more violently!