Unprecedented Collision!


Cao Huben smiled, "Elder Nie, what do you mean?"

The others present also looked at Nie Baoshan.

Nie Baoshan said in a deep voice, "Just now, all the major companies under our Nie family were suppressed by many overseas forces!

I've already sent someone to investigate what kind of power it is!"

Huangfu Zhenxiong said ruthlessly, "Yang Luo must have started taking action!

Back then, he used this method to destroy our Huangfu family!"

"And our Qiao family!"

"Our Xu family is the same!"

Qiao Bailin and Xu Yanfeng also spoke ruthlessly.

They still could not let go of the fact that Yang Luo had destroyed their three families back then.

They even personally went to Jiang City to beg Yang Luo to let them off. They were even willing to compensate Hua Mei Biomedical for the losses.

However, Yang Luo still refused to let them off.