North Suppressing King Dies!

"Haha, thank you, Brother Yang!

"I have an artifact now!"

Bujie caught the Thunder Burial Bell and a storage bag and was overjoyed.

"Thank you, Brother Yang!"

"Thank you, Brother Yang!"

Xu Ying caught the Green Flood Dragon Flag and a storage bag. Prajna caught the Heavenly Wind Umbrella and a storage bag. Lin Wenxuan caught the Black Ice Tower and a storage bag. The three of them cupped their hands in thanks.

"There's no need for thanks between brothers!"

Yang Luo waved his hand and threw the remaining six storage bags and two weapons to Dongfang Ruoshui, Li Daochen, and the others.

"Everyone, you can split these things. If I obtain better things in the future, I'll give them to you!"

It was already very rare for Li Daochen and the others to risk offending the immortal sects to help him.

As his friends, he naturally could not treat them badly.

"Mr. Yang, thank you!"

Everyone thanked him.