100,000 People Pressuring the Border!

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

It was another morning.

Eastern Sea Region.

Azure Dragon Pavilion headquarters.

In the living room of a building.

Chu Longyuan was drowning his sorrows in alcohol.

He had also heard about the battle more than ten days ago.

When he found out that Yang Luo was seriously injured and his whereabouts were unknown, he was really furious.

He called the Dragon General to ask about Yang Luo.

However, the Dragon General only told him that Yang had been seriously injured and was being treated.

As for where Yang Luo was being treated, the Dragon General did not say anything else and only told him to be at ease.

"F*ck, don't worry, don't worry. How can I f*cking be at ease!"

Chu Longyuan roared and gulped down a mouthful of wine.

He said with a sorrowful expression, "Brother Yang, why didn't you call me along for the battle that night?