Long-term Plan!

At the same time…

Mount Longhu.

In the room of the Daoist temple at the back of the mountain.

Yang Luo had already finished the call, but his face was already blurry with tears.

The words of his brothers touched him deeply.

Yes, his brothers were still waiting for him. How could he fall?

One failure was nothing!

He would stand up from where he fell!

He had to pull himself together!

This battle was a wake-up call for him!

The strength he had now was nothing!

Therefore, he had to work harder to cultivate and become stronger!

"Brother Yang, why are you crying?"

Prajna asked in a daze.

"I'm not crying. I'm just touched."

Yang Luo smiled gently and asked Zhang Zhilin, "Master, how are everyone's injuries? Are they better?"

Zhang Zhilin smiled faintly and said, "Little Luo, don't worry. During this period of time, everyone has been recuperating in the various sects.