Endless Despair!

"Elder Cao, what's wrong?!"

Nie Baoshan quickly supported Cao Huben.

The other family heads and direct descendants of the various families looked at Cao Huben.

Seeing Cao Huben's expression, everyone's hearts tightened.

Could something have happened?

Cao Huben steadied himself with his walking stick, "I received a call just now. The person we sent to contact the two immortal sects on Penglai Island said that they couldn't contact the immortals at all!"

"What?! Why can't they contact them?!"

Nie Baoshan's expression changed, and his face turned pale.

"Elder Cao, Elder Nie, what's going on? Why can't we contact the people from the two immortal sects?!"

"If not for the help of the immortals, we would really be finished!"

"That's right. Without the help from the immortals, we will not be able to stop these guys at all!"

The others were completely flustered. They were trembling and their faces were pale.