Comprehension of Intent!

"Little bastard, don't even think about it!"

Oda Saburo mobilized the True Qi in his body to the limit and waved his spear to meet the attack!


The sword and spear collided violently, and the commotion shook the heavens!

But after this violent collision, the spear in Oda Saburo's hand was cut off!


Oda Saburo screamed, his eyes filled with extreme fear.

The next second!

The sword in Yang Luo's hand slashed across his neck!


A pillar of blood accompanied by a head shot into the sky!


Oda Saburo's head and body fell into the sea at the same time!

The dignified Heaven Breaking Spear Saint had died just like that!

As they watched Oda Saburo being killed!

All the ability users present were scared silly!

They were all aware of Oda Saburo's name!

Oda Saburo was a Martial Saint Realm expert, but he was actually killed so easily?