Tribulation Transcendence!

However, at this moment!

"Dragon Rebel Sword Formation!"

An explosive roar resounded!

Yang Luo had already rushed over and swung his sword!

In the blink of an eye!

Countless flying swords condensed into a huge sword formation that trapped Lu Qingcang!

He would not be merciful to his enemies. He would kill them if he had to!

"Formation, activate!"

After setting up the sword formation, Yang Luo directly activated it!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless flying swords shot towards Lu Qingcang!

There were even huge golden dragon phantoms that collided!

"Little b*stard, don't even think about killing me!"

Lu Qingcang roared and mobilized his True Qi to the limit, condensing a True Qi barrier to block!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless flying swords and golden dragon phantoms collided crazily with the True Qi barrier, producing loud bangs!