Demons Released!

This continued until Michael and the other two retreated to a safe distance!

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The chains wrapped around the three stone coffins broke one after another!

Rumble! Rumble!

The three stone coffins shook even more violently!

The entire space and even the entire mountain shook!

The ground beneath the three stone coffins was torn apart, and the surrounding stone walls were also torn apart. Like a spider web, they spread throughout the entire space!

In less than a few minutes!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three stone coffins exploded one after another!

Rocks flew out and dust billowed!

"Haha… Hahaha… I'm finally out. Is this the taste of freedom? How nostalgic!"

"This time, I want to suck more blood. No one can stop me!"

"Do those pedantic fellows really think they can trap us forever? What a joke!"

A crazy laugh and a hoarse voice sounded in this space, making one's hair stand on end.