Can You Trap Me?


"How is this possible?!"

"We can't block it?!"

The expressions of Frisman and the other two changed drastically as they exclaimed.

It had to be known that the defensive barrier they had condensed could easily block even cannonballs!

Unexpectedly, they could not block Yang Luo's sword!

"Quickly dodge!"

Frisman shouted in shock. He did not dare to resist forcefully. He flapped his blood-colored wings and retreated!

Aldarisse and Holts also hurriedly retreated!

The moment the three of them retreated…


The True Qi barrier condensed by the three of them instantly exploded!


The three of them screamed and were sent flying!

After being blasted a hundred meters away, the three of them barely stabilized themselves!

The skin and flesh of the three of them were torn and badly mangled. One could even see their white bones!