Great Dao Dragon Diagram Shows Its Divine Might!

Aldarisse and Holts also crazily mobilized the energy in their bodies and used this move!

Two black and red doors of light that were dozens of meters tall also stood above the two of them!

Three black and red doors of light stood in the sky, stupefying everyone in the city!

The moment the three Hell's Gates stood up!


"Demons from hell!"

Frisman and the other two roared at the same time!

Rumble rumble rumble!

Three black and red doors of light opened, shaking the world!

Waves of black-red demonic qi and blood qi surged out of the Gate of Hell, as if they enveloped the sky above the entire city!


Accompanied by wild shrieks and howls!

Countless malicious ghosts and demons rushed out of the door and pounced at Yang Luo with bared fangs and brandished claws!

At this moment…

Frisman and the other two seemed to have really opened the gates of hell and released all the devils.