Completely Famous!

At this moment.

Country Sakura.

Divine Sky Island.

A cherry tree was planted on a huge mountain.

Kagura Kenshin, who was wearing a white kimono, was cultivating under the cherry blossom tree.

His body glowed with white light, and streams of air spread out from his body, sweeping up the cherry blossom petals on the ground.

At this moment.

"Sword Saint! Bad news! Bad news!"

Masahiro Ono ran over in a panic with his phone.

Kagura Kenshin opened his eyes and frowned. He said unhappily, "Mr. Ono, what's the matter?"

"Take a look and you'll know!"

Masahiro Ono handed the phone to Kagura Kenshin.

Kagura Kenshin took the cell phone and looked at it.

A few minutes later…

"An expert on the Divine Ranking?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Masahiro Ono said angrily, "That's right, Sword Saint. This kid has actually stepped into the ranks of the Divine Ranking experts like you!