If There's No Destruction, There's No Creation!

Bujie said with admiration, "Brother Yang, I'm afraid only you can make shamelessness and thick-skinnedness sound so elegant and refined in the entire Kunlun Ruins!"

Yang Luo narrowed his eyes and said, "Big White, settle him!"

Big White jumped onto the ancient boat and prepared to enlarge.

"Big Silly… Oh, no, Sir, I was wrong!"

Bujie was shocked and hurriedly hid behind Mo Qingkuang.

He had seen Big White's strength a few times. He really couldn't beat it!

Yang Luo raised his hand and said, "Alright, Big White, just scaring this guy is enough.

If you really become bigger, I'm afraid our boat will capsize."

Big White nodded and jumped onto Yang Luo's shoulder.

Mo Qingkuang looked at Yang Luo and sighed, "Brother Yang, when we first met, your cultivation level was lower than mine.

However, I didn't expect your cultivation to far surpass mine in less than a year.