End It Quickly!

"Piss off!"

Yang Luo let out a roar and punched out to meet the attack!

A huge golden dragon phantom roared out!

In an instant!

Boom! Boom!

The two fists collided with the dragon and tiger at the same time, emitting the rumbling sound of thunder!

The next second!


The golden-red white tiger illusion that was roaring over instantly exploded!


Yan Qingfeng let out a muffled groan and was sent flying!

He was sent flying dozens of meters away before he could stabilize his body!

Yang Luo stood steadily in the sky and did not take half a step back!

A huge golden dragon illusion circled above him, looking extremely domineering!

Yang Luo sent Yan Qingfeng flying with a punch.

Everyone present was shocked once again.

"What?! This kid actually sent Elder Yan flying with a punch?!"

"How strong is this kid's cultivation and strength?!"

Exclamations sounded non-stop.