One Against Two!


Yang Luo gripped the Dragon Emperor Sword tightly with both hands and slashed at the surging sea of fire!

The Dharma Idol that stood above him also swung its sword and slashed into the sky!

The two golden swords overlapped and transformed into an even larger sword that slashed out!


The surging sea of fire was instantly cut open by the golden sword!

The vast flames and energy surged in all directions!

Many people watching from afar could not retreat in time and were directly killed!

Yan Moxie waved his hand again!

"Evil God Descends!"

A purple giant that was thousands of feet tall stood in the firmaments and charged towards Yang Luo like an ancient evil god!

Yang Luo's Dharma Idol rushed up and collided with the evil god!


The two giants engaged in a world-shaking collision, causing the world to collapse and the surroundings to tremble!

And right at this moment…