Mysterious Alliance Master!

In the blink of an eye, another three days had passed.

Early in the morning…

Holy Imperial Court Headquarters.

At the entrance of the palace.

Xiang Kunlun and the others were chatting.

They had all ended their cultivation.

King of Destruction looked at the distant Eight Trigrams Island, "The Dark Conference will begin in two days. Why hasn't Brother Yang finished his cultivation?"

Heavenly Sirius said, "Why don't we call Brother Yang?"

Xiang Kunlun shook his head and said, "It's better if we don't disturb Brother Yang.

After all, Brother Yang would face quite a challenge in this Dark Conference.

There was no need to mention the Holy Light Pope, the Heavenly God Emperor, and the Hell Fiend Emperor.

These three guys had always wanted to kill Brother Yang.

As for the other experts on the Divine Ranking, they probably wanted to challenge Brother Yang.