Influence Extended

After the television station and some other companies took action, those celebrities who had their resources snatched away by Star Brilliance Entertainment also began to secretly act. They were determined to bite off a piece of meat from Star Brilliance Entertainment.

When Tian Xian saw the large-scale slander and ridicule online, he knew that this matter could not be resolved peacefully. He also knew that it was because their Star Brilliance Entertainment had blocked the path of others that they had been slandered on such a large scale.

He also tried to suppress the negative popularity of Star Brilliance Entertainment on the Internet, but just as he suppressed the popularity, someone on the other side re-hyped it.

Even if Star Brilliance Entertainment gave explanations for a lot of untrue news online, no one would see it. Most passers-by would still choose to believe the words of those famous bloggers.