Not Taking Action

The netizens were indeed very hostile towards Gu Xiao, Star Brilliance Entertainment, and the artists under Star Brilliance Entertainment. In fact, it was similar to the situation when the news of Ji Gao evading taxes was exposed.

However, this was only on the surface. At that time, Ji Gao's matter had caused an uproar. Other than the water army at the beginning, the rest of the time, they were all true passers-by.

This time, although it looked like many people were cursing, most of them were actually paid posters. The rest were just passersby who had been led astray.

As long as they weren't really scolded by the entire Internet, this matter was still very easy to resolve.

Of course, more importantly, Gu Xiao had already seen the few points that the netizens were scolding them for. Other than a few places that did not hurt, most of the rest were made up and were not worth mentioning.