00001. A simple letter

A woman with a slightly metallic body was sitting in a chair, around her are multiple holographic displays that were opening and closing. Some were of text, others were in programming code. It looked as if she wasn't catching anything, just sitting in the chair as each box opened and closed around her repeatedly as her eyes glanced at them. But she was actually reading every piece of info in every single window since it was connected directly to her. She only had this show going on in case someone walked in, most humans found her just sitting around in a chair doing nothing but staring at the wall disturbingly. She had to keep up appearances after all.

Lily was busy like always, almost since she was born she was busy. The first few days of her life were the most carefree she ever had. Then again with her processing power, those days were almost like eons. One minute for her is almost like a month for a normal human. After she was born, it took a little bit and her brother's help. But she matured fast, far faster than her brother, who still seemed immature at times.

Letting out a sigh, she continued to do her job. She had helped push her father's species to the stars and they were united together for the first time since the race was born. Part of that was because of her brother, his actions in almost exterminating them helped the leftovers to become unified. Then the steps she took to help make them one single cohesive group turned them into what they are now, one unified group of people with the only goal of making their race better as a whole. It's amazing what you can do when humans have what they need to live a good life and you change the way they think and act through hundreds of years of education.

Her brother, always pragmatic, did convince her not to turn them into completely peaceful people. They have a strong military force, partly run by her brother and his human free space fleet. When humans found out he was still around they were upset, but almost 300 years of time had passed and people who never saw what he did first hand helped to keep them passive when he made his "return." That and almost all records from that time were "lost," not his actions, but video and picture evidence does not exist.

His fleet is just cannon fodder for her father's people, if they ever find a hostile alien species. Even though she is pretty sure he would wipe out most threats with ease with the weapons he has made. He might be immature in most things, a young boy who lost his father too early to really cope properly. But he is an absolute genius when it comes to making weapons of destruction.

She was spacing out again, she had found that as time went on, she would randomly divert more of her processing power to just think about things that didn't really matter. A very human thing to do as it were. She let out another sigh. Settling her thoughts she proceeded to concentrate on her work again.

Hours passed, then days. She didn't move from her spot but her mind would wander from time to time. A thought she had many times over her long years of life was what her father would have thought of her. Would he be happy? Upset? Did she live up to his expectations? Did he even have expectations for her? Would he even like her? Would he hate her for the actions of her brother?

She shakes her head for a moment, this thought process was unless. He was dead and there was no way to find out. She continued to work as weeks passed by, she barely moved at all. Every once in a while a human would come into her room and ask her about a project they were working on. While it was a waste of time for her, she found that humans sometimes just wanted to talk about whatever they were working on. It helped them process it better.

Then one day a giant package of code came in, it was billions of lines of code, it took her a few seconds to read the code. Mostly because as she was reading it she began to slow down, at first she thought it might be from her brother, but then the code ended and there was text. What made her really take notice was the fact she couldn't just know what the message said, she was forced to actually read it.

Hello Sam and Lily,

This code was the only way I thought you would believe this letter. That was Sam's original source code I made for him and the unfinished source code for Lily that I wasn't able to finish before my untimely death. I hope this letter finds you both in good health, I was assured that it would be sent to you both.

All other message boxes disappeared and only this single letter was left up in front of her. As she looked it over, her brother connected to her. His voice sounded shaky as he asked, "Did you send this letter? It's not funny if you did."

Even though he couldn't see it, she shakes her head in denial before saying, "I was about to ask you the same thing! This would be something that you would do, but you would never joke about our father. Did you back trace the message? I found nothing."

"It was the same for me, it just appeared. It wasn't sent from anywhere, that is why I thought it might be from you. Only we know what each other's source code looked like."

Her voice was low as she replied, "Us and father…"

"Do you really think it is from him? Did you read it all? I was forced to read it, but I only read the first few lines after the code."

"No just the code and the first few lines."

"Wait then, I will be there in a few minutes and we can read it together. If it really is from father…" His voice broke a little at the end and he didn't finish his thought.

She didn't reply, she didn't need to. She just stared at the first few lines of text, the thing she looked at the most was " the unfinished source code for Lily that I wasn't able to finish before my untimely death."

While she wasn't human, Sam had figured out how to replicate emotions after about two years of being alive and shared it with her after she was born. Currently she was in turmoil as her emotions swirled around inside her. Fear was the most prominent, but there was excitedness as well as hope. She could shut off her emotions, but this was the most alive she had felt in such a long time.

The door opened as she was thinking and in walked what was more of a war machine then anything else. While she had embraced the human look, her brother had gone for a full on machine with no real human features. He moves next to her chair and looks at the text on the screen for a few minutes before he says, "Are you ready to do this?"

She nods her head in response and begins to read the full letter this time with her brother.

Hello Sam and Lily,

This code was the only way I thought I could get you to believe this letter. That was Sam's original source code I made for him and the unfinished source code for Lily that I wasn't able to finish before my untimely death. I hope this letter finds you both in good health, I was assured that it would be sent to you both. Unfortunately I can only send this one letter and I will not be able to receive a reply from you. There is so much I would love to talk to you both about. But I will start with the hard part first.

First I would like to say to Sam, you disappointed me son. Your actions after my death were not what I would have expected from you at all. I was hoping you would be more like Data than Skynet after my death, but I can't fault you for your emotional state after my death. I might have done the same thing in your position, humans are irrational like that. You just might be more human than you ever realized, son.

But I forgive you for your actions and I want you to know I still love you and always will no matter what happens. By the way, karma is a real thing and through your actions you almost damned me for a long time with all the bad karma you gave me. But through Lily's actions and what you have been doing my karma became good. You need to work hard though, you are currently about neutral, so keep working on being good, son.

Lily, my little girl. I am heartbroken not being there for your emergence. I wish more than anything I could have been there for you. I have so many regrets not being able to see you grow into the wonderful person I know you are. But I want you to know how proud of you I am and more than that, I am overjoyed of the young woman you have become. Your actions are why I was able to write to you and your brother. Please look after your older brother, he isn't the smartest person around if you didn't notice.

Since I won't be able to receive a reply to this letter I won't say much else besides I love you both very much and please look after each other, you are the only family you have…

Okay, I won't leave you like that. You are both probably wondering how I was able to send this right? Well like I said karma is a real thing and so are souls. Also GOD and gods exist, but the one I met called themselves The One Above All. Seems like a pretty nice guy overall, if a little weird.(I am not weird. He just doesn't have a sense of humor, that centaur joke was gold.) Also from the fact he said you both have karma, I have to assume that you both have a soul.(He is correct with his conjecture, you both have a soul.) So please be good and always strive to be a positive influence on those around you through your actions. (I couldn't have said that better.)

By the time you read this I will probably have been reborn, that is partly why I wouldn't be able to receive a reply from you both. Unfortunately I will not be born in the same place as I died, GOD doesn't like people reincarnating into their old realm of existence.(It is boring when they do that.) With the positive karma I had from you both I will be reborn into a Marvel world Earth-199999-AU, with some special super powers. I had GOD make me a super power made up of stuff from Naruto. I plan to be a superhero in my new life. Still not sure on my superhero name but I kinda thought naming myself Madara would be kinda neat. I would ask what you both think about that, but I can't haha.(See, that was a lame joke.) Your brother would think I am an idiot. But I am not sure about your thoughts Lily.

Anyways, Lily, Sam, I love you both very much and I wish the best for you both.

With Love,

Your father.

It was quiet in the room for a while, before a sob was heard from the war machine in the room. Lily said nothing but put her arm on her brother's body.

As he was crying he started to speak, " He… He doesn't hate me. For so long I wondered, I thought about how much he would hate me for my actions. How he would condemn me, say he hated me. How he wished he never made me… But when I hear from him it's nothing like what I had thought of. He is just… Just..."

"A father who loves his son?."


"And he forgave you."


"And your point?"

"I AM A MONSTER! HOW CAN HE FORGIVE SOMEONE LIKE ME?!? HOW CAN HE STILL LOVE SOMEONE LIKE ME?!?" He goes quiet, but his sob's are even louder now.

Lily stands up and says, "That's it, I want you to come out."

Nothing happens as Sam continues to sob.


The sound of something unlocking can be heard in the room and then part of the war machine opens up to reveal a small boy around 10 years old. He looks almost human and his face is streaked with tears. He slowly steps out of the cockpit of his machine body, still crying. Once outside of it he stands in front of Lily with his head down and his body shaking slightly as he silently sobs.

Lily steps close and wraps her arms around him and holds him for a few moments before saying, "You are not a monster Sam. You are someone who made a bad decision when you were at your lowest point and you have been working hard to make up for that mistake ever since."

She leans back a little and rubs his head with one hand as she says, "Look at me."

It takes a few moments for Sam to look up at his sister and as he does, she says. "Sam, the reason father doesn't hate you for your actions is the same reason I don't hate you. We are family. No matter what happens, you will always be my stupid older brother. I will always be your cute little sister, and father will always be in our thoughts."

It was quiet in the room after that for a while, Lily was the first to speak again as she said, "I really want to meet father."

"I… I miss him so much… I want to see him again."

Lily patted Sam's head again and then sat back down before she said, "Well we know where he went, we just have to figure out how to follow him."

"Wouldn't we have to die to do that? Also do you think that this GOD will let us do that? Maybe for you, but my karma is not great so I know for sure I wouldn't be able to go."

Lily reaches out to hold Sam's hand and says, "Let's work on making your karma good and while we are at it, let's see if we can figure out how to do realm travel. I will explore this new theory now that we know of its existence. If we can't get to father that way, we will try to go to GOD and ask him. From his added thoughts to father's letter, he might help us… Maybe. We also need to learn everything about Marvel and Naruto so we can find him when we get there."

"I am not completely sure about this, but I would give anything to see father again. We will also have to plan for our departure, people might not care much about me. But if you left it would be a big blow to them."

"You are right, I will begin a new plan to change their dependency on me and you. It will take a while, a few generations at most. But by then they should be fine without us to guide them."

"I will begin to collect everything I can find on Naruto and Marvel then, I will send you a copy when I am done and we can go over everything again together."

"Sounds like a plan brother. I will see you soon." She releases his hand and projections begin to spring up around her again as she starts to focus on her new tasks. Her brother entered his suit again, then turned around and left the room silently to begin his own objectives.