00002. Waiting is boring, unless your mind is a playground.

After feeling his soul being pulled and sucked into itself, he now feels surrounded by warmth. Like a nice hug from someone you like. He can feel the changes that were made to his soul from GOD and can feel info pouring into his mind, chakra, hand signs, but there were other things also like how to clone people. Genetic manipulation, the proper way to forge chakra armor, weapons and so much more.

He actually gave me all of the knowledge from the world of Naruto. This would definitely make things more interesting.

Trying to examine his surroundings, nothing is noticeable besides the warm feeling.

I must be waiting to be born, maybe I am in the womb of my mother and currently just cells dividing. Weird how I still have all this information, yet I most likely have no brain currently. But this must be why astral projection works, everything is tied into and saved in the soul. At least for me that is. A very interesting thing to think about, I will have to ask the Ancient One about it, if I get the chance.

Slowly he feels more info pour into his mind/soul, after a while he finds something that can occupy his mind. It's a technique to build up defenses in the mind, after looking it over for a while he begins to practice it. He starts with the simple thing first, projecting himself into his own mind.


While time slowly passes for the transferred soul, as its new body grows and it's gifts are being transferred over. Something else in another part of the world is happening. In an open room with worn out red and black tiles sits a woman. A faint green light comes off her body as she sits in a lotus position. A golden object rests in her hands while a green light pulses out from it. After some time, the green light fades.

Her eyes flutter open exposing beautiful moss colored irises, while a slight frown begins to tug at her lips. After a few minutes a sigh escapes her lips as she stands up and begins to move towards the door. It is still night outside, and the glow of the moon illuminates the corridors as she walks towards the inner compound of the building. After a while she reaches her destination, an inner annex of the compound with a pedestal resting in the middle surrounded by doors on three sides.

Taking the worn golden item from around her neck she places it on the pedestal. Then turns a ring around the object she placed on the pedestal a few times while looking up at a floating orb resting in the middle of the room above. Lost in thought, she doesn't notice as the 3 doors open around her and people walk out, one person from each door. A few minutes pass in silence before the woman speaks to the 3 people gathered before her.

"I am sorry for calling you at this time, but I have found something disturbing. While using the Eye of Agamotto to peer through time, my vision has become cloudy. I can no longer determine anything past this point, everything is in a fog. I have caught a glimpse and pieces of a few things. But something has changed and the world is no longer following the path that was setup for it."

A taller man with a long black beard down to his chest is the first to speak. "Do you have any idea what could have caused something like this, Ancient One?"

"I unfortunately do not, Master Robertson. I must ask you all to be extra vigilant in the coming days. Something is coming, whether it is good or bad is yet to be determined. Let your students know to be careful when they leave the sanctums."

With a wave of her hand, the sphere moves into a set position and she turns around and looks at each person before she nods to them before saying. "Thank you for your time, I will keep you informed of anything I find."

Each person nod's in reply before leaving the room back to their own sanctums.

After they leave she lets out a sigh and walks back to her room. Once there, she goes over to the tea pot she had made before she left and begins to make some tea for herself. As she begins to steep her tea bag in her pot, she adds a little honey to it and then looks over at one of her cabinets.

I should have never agreed to take over for Yao, that smiling bastard. He knew how much of a shit show this job was and didn't even warn me about it at all. Just that stupid smile of his and a, "Take care, I know you will do great!" Well it's only a while more and it will be time for Strange to take over this shit show. Maybe I should add something extra to my tea. I am getting too old for this shit.

With a wave of her hand the cabinet opens and then a bottle of rum floats over to her awaiting hand. She opens the bottle and pours some into the teapot. After a few seconds she pours more into the teapot till it is almost over flowing, then caps the bottle and sends it back. Afterwards she sits at her desk with her tea pot. After pouring herself a cup she takes a sip and then sits back in her seat and relaxes as she slowly drinks the entire pot of tea.


He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but all the info had finally settled into his mind and nothing else was coming in any more. He took all the knowledge he had on building a defense against mental intrusion and started sorting it. All the villages had different ways to do it, but all of them pretty much started at the same place. Focusing his mind into his mind space. The Yamanaka Clan actually had the best techniques for this, but he would need chakra to use them. So for now he was going to use a combo of everyone else's that didn't need chakra and then add in chakra defenses later on.

It was a slow process but with nothing else to do it was pretty easy to focus on his task. After some time he was able to find himself in his own mind space. At this point it was a blank slate, the first thing he did was to start programming, around him a swirl of 0's and 1's began to form. Even though it was simple binary coding it started to change everything around him, first was the sky. It went from nothing to a pure blue sky with fluffy white clouds lazily floating in it. He smirked to himself thinking about how Shikamaru would envy these clouds. A floor came next, just plain brown dirt. As far as he could see, which would meet the blue sky in every direction he looked.

With that done he began to form his core memory banks. They would store everything that made him who he was. It was small for what it actually contained, but it would work for him. Around it he began to build the house he lived in when he was alive and placed the server of his memories into the basement of his home where his personal servers used to be and began to copy it to fill the room. Once finished he went through the house and added everything to it he remembered. Which turned out to be everything, his memory was a lot sharper than it used to be and he could remember the tiniest details now about everything. Like how a picture was slightly slanted on the wall and how the exact tile pattern was on the floor. Taking a small break to admire his work, he sat out on his back patio and just watched the clouds floating in the sky for a while.

The passing of time was a weird thing here, especially because he had no concept of the outside world right now. He was sure some time passed, because trying to enter his mind space seemed to take forever. He shook off his idle thoughts and stood back up, he had work to do. He started to build a city around his home, it was a mix of real buildings he had been to. But it was also a mix of stuff from movies, anime, video games and stories he had read. He fleshed out every single one, every door and window opened to a room. Each room was furnished and he added a function that once someone entered a door or window, it would close on them. Once closed his mind space would shuffle around outside them. But this also happened inside buildings, open a door on the first floor of a building? When you open it again you will find yourself on a different floor. It was a giant shuffling maze, even his core building was included. What made it worse is after the third door is opened you would be going into a totally different building.

You might think this would make it easy for someone to get into his core building with a bit of luck, but the door to his core would never open for someone else properly. It would always go to a decoy room of memories someone could access and look through. They could change them and mess with them all they wanted, but it would never affect the true core banks he had made. The core banks he made were set up in a big raid array and programmed each in a different programming language he made himself. If someone was strong enough to find his true core, they would have to learn his programming languages to be able to access them at all. And then they would have to change every single memory bank if they wanted to do anything besides read his memories.

They would also have to be extremely fast to make any changes. Each bank acted as a backup of the next, if one was changed from the others they would be restored back to how they were before the change. So someone would have to change all 30 copies of his memory banks at the same time to do anything. And this was only his first layer of defenses he set up. Once he had access to chakra he planned to make even more layers. He also planned to make some gadgets to block telepaths, like Magneto's helmet. But that was for later, now he had to make more to his normal layers of defense.

After setting up his first city, he went and copied everything including his memory banks. He started making copies of the city next to it, city after city. Copy after copy until he had 1000 cities that were all the same in a giant circle. He then added a new layer to his memory bank defenses, in case someone was able to reprogram one of the 1000 sets he had made. Whoever pulled off such a feat would have at most an hour before the city banks would check each other, triggering a purge if something was found off, replacing the affected banks from a restore point.

Some might think he was paranoid if they saw what he was doing, but they didn't realize how crazy the Marvel universe could be. He didn't want anyone to mess with his mind. After he was satisfied with what he had made he started to test his maze defense. Even for himself it was more than just annoying, it was down right evil. Within a few minutes he had no idea where he was and he had only entered one building. But he was sure that he had already gone through five different buildings already. That wasn't including once you went into a building, you couldn't just leave it. It would depend on luck if you were able to get back outside. Open a window to escape? It just went into a new room.

Oh and if you think you are clever by just opening and closing the door to the same room over and over again. It only changes the room once you have entered it and actually closed the door and walked away from it. Now you could just open the door, walk in and then close it, but you would have to move a certain distance from the door to activate the shuffle function. By the time someone would realize that, they would already be in the maze.

Happy with what he had made, he moved out of his maze and started making his first offensive mind space weapon, or better to say "person." It was a young boy no more than 5 years old. Whenever someone appeared in his mind space without his permission he would appear and begin to ask questions. At first it would be something simple like, "Hi, what is your name?" Then it would ask the important question, "Why are you here?" It wouldn't matter what they answer, it's next and only question would always be "Why?" Again it wouldn't matter what they say, because the next question would always be, "Why?" If someone stopped replying the little boy would follow them around and keep asking, "Why?"

But if someone became fed up with the little boy and attacked them, they wouldn't be able to hurt them. But the little boy would just follow them around while crying and as time went on it would get louder and more annoying. But worst of all, a new little boy would show up and start the whole process over again. So not only would you have a crying child, who becomes louder the longer they follow you. But you would also have another child following you around asking "Why?" Attack that child? Two kids crying and following you around while a third child asks "Why?" Close the door on them? They just phase through it. The only way to stop them is to leave his mind space. But if you come back, the same kids will be there. Doesn't matter if it was only a few seconds or a year. The kids will always be waiting for your return.

As he was starting to plan his next offensive mind space tool, he felt something happening to his body. It was like he was being squeezed, it wasn't that painful, but it was enough to bring him out of his mind space. It lasted for a few minutes before he saw a bright light, after that he was lifted up and the next thing he felt was someone smacking him. Letting out a cry of surprise which turned into a wail, he heard, "Congratulations, he is a healthy baby boy."

A soft and somewhat weak voice asked, "Can I see him?"

"Just a moment Mrs. Mercer, he is being cleaned."

After a few moments he was being wrapped in a blanket and then handed to a woman, she smiled down at the small bundle and said, "Welcome to the world sweetie. Your name is Theodore Ezekiel Mercer."

That is kind of a mouthful, but it's fine I guess.

Theodore opened his eyes and looked up at the woman and she gasped in response as she asked, "Is something wrong with his eyes?"

Something must be wrong because I can't see anything but a blur in my vision.

Someone else spoke up for the first time, "What do you mean honey?"

Someone came closer to the bed and looked down at Theodore, he let out a low whistle and then said, "I have no idea, but those are the darkest eyes I have ever seen. His iris looks black. Hey doc, do you have any idea why his eyes are like this?"

"Just luck of the draw, most babies are born with blue eyes and after a few years their eye color will change to something else. It might stay like that or it might change in the next year or so."

The woman looked up at her husband for a moment, then back to the baby in her hands and smiled as she said. "It doesn't matter, he is cute and his black eyes are pretty now that I look at them more."

Well it looks like I have the Uchiha clans eyes. But that doesn't explain why my eyesight is shit.