Arc 4.7 Recruitment and the one room deal

"We also have six insurances, enough to cover your immediate family. We have the largest medical hospital in the federation. We have…We have…" Everyone stood silent as General Tang Tai continued to list everything that set Ivory Legion apart from the Iris Special Unit.

One is a general, another is a major and the person they were fighting for…All eyes went to Fu Yan, the waste of the Capital Star.

Shen Jiyu's eyes were filled with mirth. To think one day he would be recruited to join the military. His eyes sparkled as he gazed towards Su Liqin, waiting to hear Su Liqin's recruitment speech as well.

Su Liqin could feel everyone looking at him and his expression darkened. What was he going to say when General Tang Tai had listed everything like he was recruiting an S-rank Sentinel? The gazes on him were slowly making him get bothered and he was about to tell Fu Yan he could do whatever he wished when Yin Ah jumped out.