Arc 4.8 Strange Doctor

At five o'clock in the morning, they arrived at the Morning Rose, the largest hospital in the capital star. Shen Jiyu got out of the car and lightly glanced at the crowd of people who were walking up and down. He did not want to stand in a long queue. Yin Ah who had ignored him after he said that statement of courting had glanced at him saying calmly, "Don't worry about the queue. The Major booked an appointment with Doctor."

They entered with a key card and Shen Jiyu looked at him curiously, "You have a key card into the hospital. Are you a regular visitor here?" He rubbed his brows. If this person who stayed by Su Liqin's side frequented the hospital so much that he had his own route and a card, it means either he was weak or the missions of the Iris Special Unit were particularly dangerous.