13| Uninvited

"Did she mentioned his name to you?"

I shook my head, "Not really but according to her….." I flip over, placing my head on his bare chest. We just finished making love. I draw circles on his torso, while his fingers trailed through my hair. "He said this guy is not anonymous and part of the Anderson. Could it be true that Blanca was right?"

He frowned, "Oh come on, baby. Bad people always have plan B's if they really want to aim a target." He look down on me and I thought it was my lips. "She probably wants your downfall. Believe it or not, Dawson is part of this."

Hmm. Is that true?

I try to think for a while, "So….. could that guy be Dawson?"

"Perhaps, I guess." He shrugged. "Just like the phrase, handsome people are the most dangerous ones." His arm came pulling me closer, causing our naked bodies to crash on each other's. "That's enough for now. Let's stop talking about Blanca and the guy who wanted to trade your babies for his mistress, okay?"

Jake can be very sweet with his words sometimes. Sugar-coated. Though he's one of the Anderson's. I still don't know whom to believe or trust either but yet, my conscience still picked on Jake as the only decent one amongst them all.

For three years, I've studied him and knew how different he is from the others.

The Anderson are one powerful tycoons in the whole of America. Everyone feared the mentioned of their name. I was wrong when I thought they all were the same. But one is likely to be differ from the rest.

I got up from the bed, showing my full nudes to him.

"Where you going?" He wedged himself upwards on one arm.

"I need to wash up." Geez, just take another look at his juices all over my thighs. It's embarrassing to me. He only smirked when he understood the purpose of my words.

"I'll join you shortly."

I tied my hair into a messy bun. "No, don't."

"Why?" He flipped the covers aside, exposing his full nakedness so I can probably see his massive erection. "Scared of another round?" He teased me.

I rolled my eyes and head for the bathroom.

Actually…..he was literally right about his words. We had another round in the jacuzzi inside the bathroom.

While we were busy having our lovemaking session, a tiny little voice from the bedroom made us stop instantly.


It's my son, Simone.

"Fuck!" Jake cursed in a gasp.

"Didn't you say you shut the door?" I whispered. Our eyes bugged that he might walk in to see us like…..this?

"Shit," Jake pulled out of me and smack his hand on his forehead. "Am such a dumbass."

"Momma?!" And there goes my daughter, Nora.

"Go, go, go, go answer them before they get in here." I pushed Jake, shuing him away.

"I can't go to them like this. My towel is on the bed and their in the room."

What the heck?

"What do we do—?"

"Momma, water!" Simone raised his voice. If there's one person who can't stand to be patient, it'd be my son.

"Honey, just a sec." I try to keep him calm. Where's their nanny, Maggie? Is she dead to hear them seeking for water?

"Daddy." Nora sound like she's gonna cry.

I raised my brow at Jake. Of course he's the dada. The kids grew up to think he was their biological. I won't blame them. Jake has them in his arms since the day they were born.

Jake wanted to say something, but I covered his mouth. I got an idea. I mouthed to him.

"Umm….Sweeties, your daddy is in your room with a bottle of of water. Wanna see him?"

"Yeah." They beamed.

"Alright now, go see him."

The giggle and I heard them leave.

When Jake grinned at me, I flicked his forehead.

"Ouch," He rubbed his forehead.

"Next time, when you want to fuck a single mother in the bathroom, remember to take your towel with you." I snapped at him like he was my kid.

More of scolding, I guess.

He left after planting a french kiss on my lips. Causing me to blush.

"Honey, seems like my soon-to-be future in-laws called a while ago." I heard him say from the bedroom. "They left a text."

"What does it say?"

"We're invited for dinner at their place tomorrow night."


"Really? Am fucking occupied." I gritted my teeth.

"Come on, stop making it seem awkward. Reschedule your appointments tomorrow morning when you get to the office." He chided me. "You hear me? Am gonna meet the kids and set their clothes for tomorrow. I'm afraid, we won't be returning home same day."

What is up with this guy? I have countless works to finish.
