14| Sugar-coated

Third person POV.

Laura arrived at her parents house in Alabama with the kids and Jake. Since it's still early in the evening and Francesca alone is battling with the cooking in the kitchen, she didn't hesitate to join her.

She left the kids with Jake and her father, Marvin.

While Francesca was taking out the items from the refrigerator, Laura washed and chopped the vegetables.

"You're divided." Francesca began. Placing a medium bowl of turkey breast on the counter.

Laura dare not to laugh on her mother's words. "How?" She asked so it won't seem awkward.

"Here," Francesca placed her right hand on her daughter's chest before leaning against the counter.

Laura could have rolled her eyes by now but it's her mom. She can't do it. "I'm good, mother. If I have issues, you know I'd let you know."

"You mean similarities with the one you had with your ex in the past and didn't bother to share it until it ate you up deeply?" When Laura sighed and dropped the knife, she clasped her arms and continued. "Laura, why do you prefer to punish yourself like this?"

"Am not punishing myself, mom."

"Damn it you are." She chided, almost exploding her voice. "How can you love two men at a time? He's part of the Anderson's and you know it. What if he turns out to be way worse than Dawson? Of course he might do the biggest after all, they're all the same. One blood flows in their veins." Francesca mumbled, mocking.

"Mom," Laura stood, both hands like a fist beside her. "Jake is different. Totally different from the way you see Dawson. Believe me."

"Why won't you want me to believe you? Huh? Am your mother, I gave birth to you, Laura." Francesca inched closer to her and lowered her voice. "I can tell if something is not right with you, Laura. You only like that guy for whatever thing he gives you or for the caterer and how he supports this family, but I know you don't love him. You can't love him because one side of your heart is yearning for Dawson. You still love Dawson and you know it."

Francesca can be very right on this one. Because even Laura knows she's correct. She doesn't love Jake, infact, she has no feelings for him. What happened between them are just a mixture of obsession and infatuation. Lust and nothing more.

She doesn't wish to have anything more other than the sex she enjoys with him. She can testify about that even if it's in court.

The sex is the only thing that hasn't made her to move out of his apartment by now. But gradually, she's getting fed up of it. It's just like having one particular meal every blessed day from morning to night.

It's very tiring. She needs to go back to the first man she fell in love with. The man she knew to be the real father of her kids. Jake will only like her for a while and dump her anytime.

He won't marry her. Who wants to get devoted to a baby mama?

Or single mother?

He has his own life to live in as much he's still a flirt and yet to settle down for his life and future.

"Some things need to be abandoned for certain things to move on, mom." Laura told Francesca and she understood with the nod. "I can't keep on pretending that I love Jake. He won't love me to the end because we didn't start up well from the very beginning. He only helped me for these past three years and still counting, he'll soon get fed up with me."

"Did you had sex with him?" When Laura shamelessly shook her head, Francesca gasped. "Are you crazy, Laura? He is your Ex's cousin."

"Yes I know." Laura grumbled, pretending to be regretful. "I don't really love him, okay? It's just...for the sex and nothing."

"Sex?" Francesca pointed out her words. "Do you know what implications you've done? Especially as a judge of the court who really knew the laws?"

Why would Laura feel guilty? She just shrugged and went back to chopping the vegetables. "I don't know, mom. And I don't care to know. We don't love each other and I assume he knows too. All I know is that my heart can't stop craving for one man which is Dawson."

"So….? Do you enjoy—"

"Mom?!" Laura interrupted Francesca when she realized what word was about to come out of her mouth. "Cut it out."

Francesca raised her hands in the air and let out a weird chuckle, "Just making a fact. But be careful for what you wish for. Your father won't approve Dawson neither recommend Jake in your life."