20| Your nakedness


And that's when I began to have guilty conscience. Something from my mind tells me to tell him about everything and how I've been living my life with the kids these past three years but just then– he said,

"You won't believe I've been searching for you and the kids these years." He scoffed, shaking his head helplessly. "Simone and Nora. What a lovely name."

I frowned weirdly, "How did you know their names?"

"First tell me who's older and younger between them."

I sighed, "Simone is two minutes older than his twin sister, Nora."

He nodded.

"So…, back to my question." I reminded him.

He shrugged, "Well," His lips twitched like he's contemplating about something. "Weeks ago, Jake told me both him and um, who was also with him again? Luke or brad? Yeah, one of them also agreed that they saw you at one pharmacy store and you guys did talk." He sighed. "Unfortunately when I found out, I followed them to the pharmacy the following morning after I was told just to get your address of location." He sat up few seconds after I sat up to tie my hair into a messy ponytail. We both stare into each other's eyes. "I made a mistake in the past, and I swear it won't repeat itself again. Never." His hand caressed my cheek, "You were right all along, Blanca deceived me and played me like she did to you. I'm sorry for not listening to you."

"Hey," I smiled, touching his hand which was holding one side of my face. "Any man would have done the same thing to protect their family back then. Family always comes first in everything no matter what. And I don't blame you, thank God it's all over and she's gone. Out of our lives for good."

Did I just say 'Our lives'? Damn, I don't really know if he wants me back just as I do. What we recently had was nothing but sex. Is that enough to draw us close?

After pausing for a while, he asked me with a low deep seductive voice, "Why did you declined when Jake asked you to help me in court?" When I looked away, he sighed, "Is it that....you don't really love me?"

"Gosh, stop saying that." I began to pick up my clothes and wear them. "We just had something and only people who truly love each other by heart do things like this." I threw his boxer at him.

"So, prostitute are in love with their clients too?"

Huh? Is he for real? What's he playing at? Am I slutty to be called an harlot?

When he studied my expression towards him, he quickly refrained his words, "Not you. I'm not saying you're a…. whatever, forget it."

I fixed my shirt, "Why would Jake have to pretend like it was his first time to see me at the pharmacy that day? I mean…" I chuckled, sarcastically. "I've been in his house for– God-damnit." I gritted my teeth on my last word, regretting what made me vomited those words.

Dawson is quick-witted. He gave me a 'Are you hiding something from me?' Look but I quickly turned away. "I gat to go now. The kids will be with you for now. They're school has midterm break for a week, so it'd be best they recognize you with these few time, right?"

He got hold of my wrist before I could get up from where I was seated. When I looked at him, he had this cold and stern look I can't really figure out. "Laura, don't lie to me. I want to know everything and were you've been these years." His tone sound demanding.

I hesitated, "Fine. When I ran out of your mansion four years ago with the pregnancy, I met Jake outside the massive gate. He gave me a ride to his place and I and the kids have been living under his roof these years. Sorry if he didn't tell you about it because he thought it won't be a good idea since Blanca was by your side all along. And..." I bit my lower lip, to shy to say out the word. He shook his head for me to bring it on. "We only...had sex twice?" When he frowned and grumpily stood up to wear his clothes, I quickly defended myself, "Dawson, I swear on my life, I don't love him for real. We two don't love each other, what we had was because of obsession and lust. There's absolutely nothing between the two of us. We're not dating, believe me–"

"Laura!" He called out my name with a loud tone. I startled from the cold voice like a fire alarm. His eyes cold with rage as he stares down at me. "Just because we're Exes, doesn't mean you should go around sleeping with every member of my family."

"But it was—"

"I don't want to hear it." He cut me off, firmly. I forgot that this side of Dawson was never friendly or sweet. "I can't believe my cousin eating my very own meal all these while." He mocked, turning away with hands on his waist. "Fuck!" He bursted. I startled on my seat again. "You spread your legs wide open for my brother to fuck you twice." He poke two fingers at me. "Not even once. If you hadn't enjoyed it, you wouldn't have invited him for the second time, who knows who other person in this family haven't seen your underwear or entered into your pants? While I was here, busy thinking that am the only man who has seen your nakedness."


"You said one thing before." His lips pressed tightly. "You want to leave, right? Fine. Good thing I never asked you to. It came from you itself, so you can take your leave now before my mom gets back. Cortana, unseal the doors."

"Doors unsealed." The smart household personal assistant, obeyed and I heard sounds of doors unlocking from every edges.

When I didn't flinch or make a move, his brows raised, "I need to clear my head now. You're an educated person, you should know what I meant by that. I'm tired, I need to rest before the kids get back. You can pick them up whenever you want."

No dear, I'll rather leave them with you just to save me the stress for these few days.

I shook my head, cupping my chin to make a weak smile. I got my purse from the floor, wore my shoes and left. While I was living, passing by Dawson, I thought he'd give me a peck on my cheek or forehead, but he just let me leave just like that. Somehow, I felt a bit embarrassed and rejected for what I did.

He was right. It's not my thing to sleep around with people most especially with his brother, Jake.


This is not usually my habit. Where did I got this from? Of all people, it's with his cousin? I don't know how to forgive myself for this shameful act of mine. It somehow disgust me to know am the main one soaked in this shit.

What eye would he use to see me now? An harlot? Or an irresponsible mother who goes around to sleep with member of his family?

I should have kept myself till we met again. I believe according to mom, 'Men are likely allowed to cheat because they're scums, but women should keep themselves bountifully, because they're hidden treasures and temples with golden doors.'

And because of what happened and how he was angry with me for what I did, I couldn't go back to Jake's house that evening. I passed the night in a five star hotel. I really regretted what I had with Jake and what we did. I shouldn't have. I appreciate him being a helper in my life for three years but he went to far in touching me. Something that truly belongs to his brother even if we weren't together anymore. I avoided all Jake's calls and text messages. I even switched off my phone. I also need a breathing space, just so to clear my head.

Sex with two Greek gods? Geez! Laura, you're selfish.


I forgot to ask Dawson for his number? Nevermind, I can still go to his place anytime. And besides, it's supposed to be the other way round. Momma, taught me how to put on pride for a man.