
Author's Note- Am really sorry about the lack of updates in the past few days, honestly i was watching some movies and series that I lost track of time but am back now, with new motivations and ideas, so please review, comment and add to your library, thanks ____________________________

The blonde man ran for a great distance, he ran into the hunter's base, The others were puzzled by his behavior because powers were not allowed inside the base, he stopped in front of a large hall, with hunters inside, "Devil... Knight level...send help" the blonde man was too tired to speak, as he fell on his knees.

Hearing the word Knight level devil, the hunters inside the hall rushed towards the blonde man, after a few seconds he explained everything to the hunters, and immediately the hunter base went busy, the appearance of a Knight level rogue Devil in a small city-like Red hills is not something the Hunter base could turn a blind eye to.

"You have done well son, get some rest we will take it from here," an old-looking woman said to the blonde man as she followed the hunters out of the base, heading towards the said location.

It took them a while before they got there, but when they did, all they could find were dead bodies, guts spilling everywhere, and missing body parts "Hummm, this is bad, really bad" one of the hunters said.

"Gather the bodies, send them back to the base, and the rest of us will continue to look for the devil, I can't have a knight-level rogue Devil roaming around my city," the leader of the hunter said as she got back onto her bike as zoomed off, not waiting for the others.

The other hunters did as she said, The second in command selected a few hunters to return the bodies to the base, while the rest followed the leader.

'This is bad, a freaking knight devil is roaming my city and I can't find it knowing the danger a devil at that level brings, she was panicking a little bit, zooming across the street on her bike.


The sun was hanging high and the weather was slightly hot, Tommy sat on his hospital bed as he shuffled a deck of cards, he shuffled it in style, stopped then removed a single card "Is this your card" the person stared at the card before smiling "yes it is, you finally got it after 25 tries" Sara replied, after Tommy time with his sister, he had meet up with Sara and he invited her over to his room if she was bored.

She came to keep Tommy company immediately after she got free during her break. And after getting to know each other a little bit, Tommy learned that Sara loves magic tricks and Tommy had been trying to do the card trick ever since and now after 25 failed attempts he finally got it, he was happy but at the same time, everything he had been experiencing ever since he started the card trick made him a bit worried.

When he first watched the magic show, where he saw a guy pull off the magic trick, he felt as if he was meant to know the logic of the trick, and how it was done, so he asked Sara to help him get a deck of cards and when he found out About Sara love for magic tricks, he wanted to try his luck, after the 10th try he started feeling strange energy flowing into his brain, he could feel information about the trick getting clearer in his mind.

After the 22nd try, his mind was about to predict Sara's card but not accurately, when he tried for the last time, he focused on the card in Sara's hand, and a strange glow emitted from the card which surprised Tommy, he looked at Sara's face but from her reaction, she couldn't see the glow, she returned the card to the deck as Tommy shuffled again.

But this time Sara's card kept glowing and Tommy could see it so, he brought out the card and showed Sara again to which she identified the card, "I did it, wow that was amazing" Tommy said out loud.

"Indeed it's impressive, Who knew you would get it after 25 tries" Sara commented, She thought Tommy's happiness was due to him getting the card right and managing to get her compliment, but she didn't realize that she was way wrong, Tommy had another reason for his happiness, 'that strange color must be a power from the devil I contracted, ESU, and that strange feeling in my brain must be a kind of power that helps me learn faster' after thinking about it for a while, his ideas made sense to him.

They tried the card trick many more times and Tommy got all the cards right, impressing Sara greatly 'This definitely has something to do with the devil, this is just too fucking cool' After many tries, he could felt a strange energy entering his brain again, but this time nothing happened, a few seconds later the strange energy stopped entering his brain.

As he collected the card back from Sara, he started shuffling again, as he looked at Sara's face something caught his attention besides the pot of flowers standing on the table beside him, he could see the same glow as the card, as the glowing card came in contact with his hands, the card disappeared from the deck, as the card disappeared, Tommy smiled.

"Ok Sara, prepare to be amazed," he said to Sara and he told her to help him move the pot of flowers to the side, A confused Sara got up from her chair as she moved closer to the pot of flowers, she could see Tommy smile getting wider, she moved the pot and beside the pot, a card fell on the table, she picked up the card and she heard Tommy's voice beside her "Is that your card?"

"How did you do it?" Sara asked surprised, She didn't see Tommy getting up from the bed to place the card by the pot and, she was the one who brought the card, so Tommy couldn't have hidden some card.

"A magician never reveals his secret" Tommy replied with a smile, but he was freaking out on the inside as he was about to do the card trick again, his head was assaulted by a headache, and Tommy lost his focus as the cards fell off his hands, his nose began to bleed, Sara seeing this, hurried outside to call the nurse or doctor.

Tommy passed out before Sara could come back with a nurse, his mind was pulled back into the strange classroom.

"Again, did I lose consciousness again" Tommy asked himself, he looked towards the Chalkboard, last time he wasn't able to get close before waking up.

He stood in front of the chalkboard, looking at it intensely, trying to see if it would trigger anything, but nothing happened, he tried cleaning the lines on the chalkboard but when he cleaned everything, it appeared again.

"This has to be a count down to something, like is it really the amount of time Esu can take over my body, but if that was the case then one of the lines would not be crossed off" Tommy's brain went into overdrive as he tried to figure out what the 3 lines meant.

"Wait, I think I get it now, I remember dying once in hell, so this is like a reminder of how many times I can die, Does that mean I had 3 lives and now it is 2, What if it's just the amount of time I can die in hell, then will I die permanently after the third line is crossed off" fear creepy into Tommy's mind, he remembered the creature he fought, and he didn't know when he would be teleported back into hell.

"I need a gun in case it happens again, last time The drip stand came along with me, so a gun should be able to, but the main question is how do I get a gun and would a gun even work on a demon" choosing a gun would be best for Tommy because he knew that finding someone to train you any fighting style was expensive, even if he wanted to register in a gym, it will cost money and there was no guarantee that he would be ready before the next teleportation.

He walked around the classroom, seeing if there was any new, but everything was still the same even the book had nothing new, As he walked around the room he noticed something new at the back, it was a door "This wasn't here the last time, or I didn't notice, but I wonder where it leads" he pushes open the door as a bright light block his vision.

"O ji" he had a strange language before he woke up only to see the nurse and doctor standing inside his room with his family members.

"What the fuck happened" Tommy questioned, everybody's eyes landed on him, they had a surprised look on their faces.

'Did I do something wrong' Tommy thought to himself.