
'Did I do something wrong' he thought.

"Brother are you okay, the doctor called saying you passed out yesterday, are. you feeling any pain?" Aloy asked as she examined his body.

'Yesterday, it has been a full day, Why do I keep going to that classroom' he wondered

"Am fine, I got too tired, I have not been sleeping enough since I woke up" Tommy said with a smile on his face.

"Why haven't you been sleeping, Is there anything wrong with your body," the doctor asked to which Tommy replied "Actually, Doc am fine, it's just that after spending 3 years in a coma, I sometimes walk up at night to check if am still alive" Tommy lied, not wanting to dwell on it Tommy quickly the topic.

"Say Doc when will I be discharged, am getting tired of staying in a hospital," Tommy asked the doctor.

"While you were asleep we ran different types of tests on you, and I must say, we found nothing wrong with you, it is as if you got a new body," the doctor said, after talking for a while they all left Tommy alone to rest.

'I need to figure this Devil stuff out as soon as possible, that means I have to leave this Hospital first" He thought as he got off his bed to take a shower.

He spent the whole day watching tricks and doing some simple card tricks, he was getting a good grip on it if he was to say so himself, As night came, Tommy got out of his room and headed towards the cleaner's room, he had not seen Sara her friend the whole day, so he wanted to check up on them.

Getting to the Cleaner's room he knocked, and an older woman opened the door, she asked what Tommy was looking for, and he explained to her that he was looking for Sara, to which the older woman told him that Sara and her Friend Akira doesn't come to the hospital during the weekend as it was there day off.

Tommy was a lot bit disappointed for reasons he didn't know, as he was about to leave the older woman asked for his name "My name is Tommy ma" he replied respectfully, the older woman smiled and gave him a card.

"Sara asked me to give this to a patient called Tommy if he ever comes looking for her," the woman said as she closed the door saying she had work to do.

Tommy left with a smile on his face, he had managed to get Sara's number now the only thing remaining was to get a phone to call her, He had asked Aloy to get him one a while back, but she refused saying since he just got out from a coma, he should stay away from anything technology.

Tommy couldn't even comprehend the meaning but decided to play along because Aloy could be quite annoying if she was serious about something.

As he continued to tour the Hospital, all of a sudden he heard an explosion, and judging by the sound and how the ground was shaking Tommy knew that the explosion must have come from the Hospital gate, he changed his direction running towards the Explosion.


The Leader of the Red Hills City Hunter division was still roaming the city, riding her custom-made Power Bike that had a built-in Energy scanner, Every since the Knight level rouge devil appeared She had been going around the City block by Block.

'Where the fuck is it, it couldn't have just disappeared, it getting late around and no report of any Paranormal activities today, which is strange on its own' she thought, after going around the last block she decided to rest for a little bit.

As she parked her power bike, she removed her helmet and took out her phone to check the time only to see 37 missed calls.

"Who the fuck calls someone 37 times," she said as she click on the number to call the person and rain harsh insults at the caller, she heard a familiar voice.

"Boss finally you called back, we have been trying to get hold of you for a while now," the voice said.

"Oh it's you, Jay, what's wrong didn't you guys find the devil"

"Yes boss, but you will not like what am about to say"

"Spit it out already"

"Yes ma'am, we encountered the devil a while again, I and 10 other high Rankers, only a few of us remain and the Devil escaped, from the direction it took, it looks like it's heading towards the City hospital"

"What, did you guys contact the RHPD [Red Hills police department]" she asked.

"Yes ma'am, they are already heading towards the hospital, We would have continued cashing the devil but we have injured and I am afraid if we don't take them back to the Base, we might lose them, am truly sorry ma" person on the other end of the call apologized.

"Don't sweat it, you guys have done enough, Take everyone back to the base and send in every person to secure the hospital tell them not to engage the Devil... And send in some erasers" the leader said as she hung up.

"Now let's see how strong that Devil is to be able to injure some of my High ranking officers," The leader said as she zoomed off heading to the hospital.

Getting to the hospital, she could see the police officers engaging the Devil, normally The general public does not know of the Paranormal world, but The Hunters disguised as the Special Anti-Crime Unit [SACU] would always take over any case that had to do with Paranormal activities like devils and demons attacks.

The SACU base exists all over the world, hunting and protecting Normal civilians from the things that go bumping in the night, But the police and other military agencies know about the existence of devils and demons.

So before the SACU shows up during any Paranormal Attacks the police force would have to create a perimeter blockade around the Attack scene to keep the press and civilians away.

She got down from her bike, took out a cigarette from the pack, lit it, took two puffs, threw it on the floor, and stepped on it before heading towards the blockade, The police officer in charge of the blockade tried to stop her, she showed him her SACU barge, the officer allowed her through.

She could see 4 Police officers fighting against the Devil, It was not a strange thing to see officers capable of fighting Devils and demons because the government would always try to recruit people who had access to the Ira energy, those types of officers would always be the ones to hold down a devil or demon before the hunters arrive to deal with it.

"Mrs. Jane, you came," the head of the Police officers said as he got close to The leader of the Hunters.

"Sorry I took too long to get here, what are the casualties," Mrs. Jane said as she assessed the situation.

"I lost 5 officers already and that devil looks like it is enjoying itself" the man replied as he massaged his shoulder, Mrs. Jane could hear a clicking sound coming from the shoulder.

"Did you get injured by the devil?" Mrs. Jane asked as she narrowed her eyes looking at the strange devil, it looked too ugly to even be considered a devil.

The man nodded "Yeah, the devil packs quite the punch, you should be careful" he replied.

"When I get home later I will help you massage your shoulder" Mrs. Jane whispered into the officer's ear making sure he was the only one who could hear her.

From their conversation, it was quite clear those two were married, but whenever they were at work they would talk to each other as if they were strangers, most of their co-workers had no idea that they were married to each other until they were told.

"Okay, my team is on the way, Tell your officers to head back, I will deal with this myself," Mrs. Jane said as she flexed her muscles, which made her husband giggle.

She looked like a typical businesswoman, with her black suit and slender figure, as the police officers confronting the devil withdrew, she ran towards the devil, the devil tried to attack her but she swiftly dodged the attacks, she got close to the devil and delivered a powerful punch filled with Ira on the devil's face, sending the devil blasting through the hospital gate.