Riss Family

[A/N HAPPY NEW MONTH EVERYONE, I hope you are all enjoying this boom so far and I would appreciate of you drop a review and vote]

"I know we are not the only ones to notice this strange phenomenon, the SACU, and other Contractors would have taken note, so I say while they are all busy dealing with this phenomenon, we finally make our move," the Indian man said.

"What if the source of this strange phenomenon turns out to be a power artifact, and the other discovered it before us, what will we gain if we take over the city but lose the chance to obtain such an artifact," another man wearing a pure black mask said.

"I understand your concern, but I have already sent out some of my men to search for the source of the strange phenomenon ever since it first appeared, so you don't have to worry, We can still move on with our plan, we will take over this city bit by bit before anyone notice," the Indian man said as he rose from his sit lifting his wine cup "For the glory of IKU" he added.


Inside a cellar, was a man more like a teenager, was doing light work on the Punching bag hanging in the middle of the cellar, The cellar was pitch black no light source could be seen inside the cellar only sounds of fists hitting the punching bag could be heard.

Although the cellar was pitch black the boy already knew where to hit, having been doing this for 4 years straight, it had become his daily routine, every time he hit the bag, the more he remembered the past and the angry he got, the more he blames himself for what happened.

On the bright side, he always uses the anger as an energy source to focus and push himself harder, Every time he hits the bag memories of his parents always appear in his mind, and he always remembers his biggest mistake that took their life, if only he dared to kill back then, his parents would still be alive, but his was too much of a softie that he couldn't pull the trigger.

The door to the cellar opened and a woman entered switching on the light " Daniel, it's time to stop, We have a meeting at 5 and the time is already 4:32 Go get ready" the woman said as she handed over a towel to Daniel.

"Thanks, sis, I got carried away, I didn't know it was already time, I will go get ready," he said before heading towards the bathroom, he paused his step and turned around "Humm sis, what's the party for again, I can't remember"

His sister facepalms as she explains "Dude this is your party as the new manager of the Riss clothing line"

"Ohhh my bad, I will get ready soon," he said as he went into the bathroom, after spending a few minutes in the shower, Daniel got out feeling refreshed, as he got dressed for the party, he began to look back to his early year.

Daniel Riss Adams is an 18-year-old teenager who enjoys tennis, the Rubix cube, and eating out. He is brave and smart, but can also be very rude and a bit unfriendly.

Physically, Daniel is in pretty good shape. He is of average height with light brown skin, grey hair, and brown eyes.

He grew up in an upper-class neighborhood. After his parents died when he was young, he was raised by his sister.

Remembering his parents would also leave him in a sad state, he will always blame himself, if only he had just pulled the trigger his parents would still be alive.

Daniel sighed as he hung his blazer around his shoulder, walking out from the cellar, he was greeted by a beautiful woman in a maid outfit.

"Young master, your sister is waiting for you in the main building, she said she wanted to brief you before you head to the party," the maid said.

Daniel glanced at her, The maid had her usual smile on her face, she had been his personal maid even before the loss of his parents, She had always been there for him, and to some extent, Daniel felt safe whenever he was around her.

"Debbie, why are you not dressed, You know we have a party to attend and I can't feel safe without the presence of my right-hand woman" he replied with a little chuckle.

"I wasn't told I would be following you to the party since it's an important occasion, I thought you would want to go alone" Debbie paused before adding "But I already had a dress picked out in case you change your mind," she said with a beautiful smile on her face.

They continued chatting till they got to the main building which was a mansion, The Riss family were one of the richest family in the country of Edria, due to them owning lots of companies and also several Automobile company.

Daniel walked into his sister's home office, The place was well cleaned no spec of dust could be found in the room "You finally came" his sister said as she noticed Daniel sitting on one of the sofas present in the room.

"So why am I here, you said the party was starting soon" Daniel replied

"Yes, and I want to give a brief overview of who will be coming to your party" Having said that Daniel's sister began to name some important figures that according to her Daniel must show respect to.

"Finally we have Mr. Önager, he recently contacted me saying he would like to invest in one of our companies, the clothing line to be precise, The Önager family recently jumped from a middle-class family to a higher-class family about 3 years ago, no one knew how they did it,

And Mr. önager would likely come with his kids, I don't want you being rude to any of them, one of his children a man named Harry önager is a member of the SACU branch in another state, so be careful"

Daniel's sister spent the next few minutes drilling the dos and don'ts into Daniel's brain, she only hoped he listened at least with Debbie going with him, she knew Daniel would behave to an extent.

After the meeting, Daniel and Debbie got into the latest model of the Riss automobile, it was a sports couple model, a customized model only for the Riss family to use, only 2 of its type were made, one for Daniel and the other for his sister Anastasia.

It took them close to 50 minutes to get to their destination, The car door opened and Daniel stepped out of the car followed by Debbie, Thousands of bright lights flashed as different cameras tried to picture the stunning appearance of the two newcomers, one was wearing a beautiful dress that covered only a small portion of her shoulders and flows down into a tasteful scoop neckline. It's a relaxed fit which gives the dress a relaxed, yet graceful look.

Her arms have been covered to just above her elbows. The sleeves broaden towards the bottom and playfully accentuate her skin.

The dress' waist is narrow, but it's a tight fit. A bow has been wrapped around her and rests gently on her belly.

Below the waist, the dress widens and has a symmetric draped style. The dress reaches to just above her knees and is longer in the back.

She wore open toes, gorgeous on their own, an ideal match in combination with the dress. To top it all off she's wearing a bow in her hair and several jeweled bracelets.