Harry's Style

While the other wore a standard shirt and buttoned it up fully to support the graceful bow tie he was wearing. On top of the shirt he's wearing a sleek vest with 7 buttons, It has a fairly deep v-line, and it's just narrow enough for the top to remain visible, adding another layer to the overall look of the suit.

The jacket is a perfectly tailored fit for him. It has an intricate rope strike pattern which makes it look stylish and graceful. The 4 buttons of his double-breasted jacket are all buttoned up except for one, it gives the suit a bit of both worlds, casual and stylish.

The jacket is longer at the back, it has vents on either side, there's a pocket on either side and there's a breast pocket which has been left empty.

He's wearing pants that copy the style of the jacket, both in color and pattern and they make an ideal combination with his shoes. He's wearing an elegant pair of moc toe penny loafers.

To top it all off he's wearing a refined belt, which can be accompanied by cuff links and a watch.

Daniel and Debbie walked on the red carpet going straight into the hall that was reserved for his party as the new Director of the most popular clothing line industry in the nation.

"That was Daniel Riss, and his caretaker," one of the journalists said after the pair entered the building not even commenting on their numerous questions.

"Yeah we all know, that boy is so rude, We have been standing here for hours and he couldn't even take out of his time to answer a few questions" another journalist replied not bothering to hide his anger, indeed they had been waiting since the first guest arrived which was about 2 hours ago.

Some of the angry journalists wanted to leave but they couldn't since more guests were still coming.


Daniel and Debbie were walking around the party to greet different guests, mostly guests that his sister briefed him about, Daniel hated most of the board members of Riss Enterprises to him they were a sneaky backstabbing set of people.

As Daniel continued greeting the guest, he looked at the window, and for a brief moment, a terrifying set of red eyes stared back at him before Daniel could blink the eyes disappeared.

Daniel looked around to see if anyone noticed the eye but from the look of things he was the only one who saw the eyes 'Maybe it is a reflection' he thought as he continued with his activities.

A few meters away from Daniel, three individuals sat patiently enjoying the party, "I don't know why I was forced to come along, I should be keeping brother company, It has been a month since he woke up, when is he going to be discharged" Aloy asked while playing with her drink.

It was no surprise that she didn't want to come with her brother and father to this type of party, she would rather be beside her twin brother in his hospital room than be surrounded by self-centered rich brats who only cared about their image and nothing else.

"You have been cooped up in your room for too long, You are my daughter the world should know you, since you will be taking over the family business when I retire," Aloy's father said

Aloy was so shocked to hear this new piece of information that she almost choked on her drink, Why would she be taking over the business when she wasn't the first child Heck she was more like the last child being the only girl in the family.

"W..what do you mean to take over the business, this better be a joke" She replied not caring to hide her displeasure about the issue.

Me Önager expected this kind of reaction, he had already perfected an explanation "Your brother Harry doesn't want the business because he already works for the government and Tommy is another case, You know why he was before his coma, now that is awake he would eventually go back to his former behavior,

So that leaves you, you are the only one suitable" As Mr. önager continued explaining Aloy only grew sadder, she didn't want that kind of life, Meanwhile, as the two continued to argue back and forth Harry was busy analyzing his current mission.

Being a member of the SACU he was despatched back to Red Hills City for an urgent mission, The SACU had discovered the source of the Energy irregularity, it was supposed to be a Powerful artifact, one that could not be allowed into the wrong hands, he wasn't the only one assigned to this case.

The SACU had deemed this artifact extremely important that they despatched 10 high-ranking officers like him to look for it, he also knew the SACU wasn't the only organization searching for the artifact, the more reason to hasten his search, while Harry was in the middle of his thoughts his wristwatch started beeping, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He immediately looked around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he excused himself from his table before heading outside the hall, It was already last into the night, the paparazzi had left, and the only people outside were the bodyguards needed to provide security to the party.

Harry walked towards a secluded area, sensing no one around, he seemingly waved his palm in the air and a black orb appeared in his palm, Soon the orb began to glow bright red, and Harry's face dropped immediately he saw the orb's color.

"How can this be, How is a demon in a place like this" A gecko crawled out from Harry's suit, The gecko jumped and landed on the floor, It transformed into a leopard, "A mutt is here, I can smell it, a demon mutt" the leopard sniffed the air a little more and added "It has no seal" she said.

Hearing that the demon had no seal only meant one thing and to Harry, it just got really dangerous, "What type of mutt is it" Harry asked nervously.

The leopard sniffed again before shaking her head "A hell wolf I think, It smells like a normal wolf but I can smell a sin on him" The leopard walked back to Harry waiting for him to give a command.

Harry went into deep thought, he was considering the pros and cons of going after such a powerful demon alone, a demon that possesses one of the deadly sins, while most of the SACU officers had no idea what the Demon Sins are, he knew them well.

Demon sins were what humans called the 7 deadly sins pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Each sin has its way of enhancing demons in different ways, he had no other knowledge about the demon sins, the little he knew was from his Contracted Demon the leopard, the leopard wasn't just a demon, it was a demon that possessed a unique bloodline that allows the demon to change into any animal.

Demons like devils could also make contracts with humans, but seeing a demon contractor was extremely rare, well in this country it was.