He Is An Enemy!

Nana thought nothing of it and sat down next to Yuki and began helping her cut the meat out and get the innards situated. At this moment, two beautiful girls were half covered in blood as they dug through a dead sharp toothed deer's body cutting it up into neat pieces. Ai was doing her best not to throw up as she sat down on the other side of Yuki. Seeing Nana helping her made her feel left out.

The whole scene made many people's stomachs turn. After all, many of these young men and women have been pampered since they were young. Even Kenji, who was infatuated with the clean version of Yuki, was put off by this scene. However, this did not change his attitude about wanting to make Yuki his.

Yuki ignored the world as she licked her fingers, which were soaked in blood. She did not care if people thought she was sick. The iron taste in her mouth soothed her soul as she licked them clean before stuffing them back into the sharp toothed deer.

Nana did not seem to be bothered by her actions, although Ai did make a strange face but did not say a word. She was afraid she would puke if she opened her mouth. Once the whole deer was finally cut up, Yuki stood up after licking her fingers off and walked toward the woods. Nana did not follow this time as she knew that Yuki was probably going to be getting wood to start a fire. Instead, she used a towel to wipe her hands off. But before wiping them fully clean, she licked some of the blood on her hand, which made her nose wrinkle. She wondered how Yuki could lick blood as if it was the greatest thing in the world.

Ai did follow after Yuki since she needed some fresh air. She reached into her pouch and used some water to clean her hands. Only when she got all the blood off did she ask: "Are you planning on cooking it now?"

Yuki nodded as she picked up a few sticks and some dry grass. She needed something to start a fire and then some larger bits of wood. The sticks and dry grass she picked up she handed to Ai before using her sword to cut down some thicker branches from the tree.

Elder Nishikawa was closely watching all of Yuki's movements and could tell that Yuki was very practiced in what she was doing. There was no hesitation in what she picked up or what was good for what. Even the sticks and branches she picked up all had their purpose. It took them ten minutes to gather what they needed and bring it back. Ai was having a hard time carrying what was given to her, while Yuki seemed unbothered by the large branches and rocks she was dragging behind her.

It was only when they reached the edge of the forest that Elder Nishikawa appeared beside the two girls and asked: "Planning on cooking?"

Yuki looked up at Elder Nishikawa and nodded her head. She thought for a moment before softly asking: "Want some?"

"Hehe, of course. If my disciple is offering, I will try her cooking." Elder Nishikawa was in a good mood now. She waved her hand, sending her spirit power out, and wrapped it around the rocks that Yuki was dragging along with her tree branches lightening her load. As for Ai, who also had rocks and the fire starting stuff in her arms, she could only complain her in mind that Elder Nishikawa was being biased.

Yuki ignored the whole disciple thing. She did not trust anyone enough to want to be their disciple. But she had to thank Elder Nishikawa in some way for letting her take a bath at her mountain, so cooking some extra food for her was not a difficult task.

Everything was brought back to where Nana was watching over the meat. Her sword was stuck in the ground next to her at the ready in case anyone dared to try to take some. She already considered Yuki a friend as soon as she helped her with her bathroom issue. So watching and protecting her food was a given.

The other disciples could only watch on as the Yuki got a fire going and began sticking sharpened sticks through large lumps of meat and then roasting them next to the fire. Kenji watched everything from the side before finally standing up and walking over toward Yuki and the others. He figured he could use Ai to get close to Yuki this time.

He walked over, trying to look as handsome as possible as he came to stand in front of the fire. He opened his mouth and asked: "Ai, can you let your broth.." But his voice was cut short when a sword tip suddenly poked him in the nose. He looked down the edge of the blade to see Yuki's cold eyes staring back up at him. There was nothing but pure killing intent in those eyes.

This one look alone was enough to make Kenji take a few steps back. He did not understand what he did, but he seemed to have done something between the time he started walking over here and the time he arrived that angered this girl to the point that she wanted to kill him.

"Yuki!" Elder Nishikawa stood up and grabbed Yuki's wrist, slowly pulling her arm back. "He is not an enemy."

"No, you are wrong. He is an enemy!" Ai quickly retorted, causing Elder Nishikawa to want to smack the stupid girl. She was trying to keep Yuki from killing others later on since she had a habit of drawing her sword on everyone. But this time, she noticed this little girl's drawing speed was fast! She could hardly see Yuki move from the time she drew her sword out from the ground until the time she had it pointing at him with the tip of her sword actually touching the young man's nose.

"Ai, you are not helping!" Elder Nishikawa scolded, but Ai was not going to back down. "You don't understand. My brother wants to do bad things to my Yuki!"