Official Disciples

Elder Nishikawa raised an eyebrow at Ai's declaration of my Yuki. Even Nana took a small glance at Ai, but this only lasted a second as she turned her cold gaze at Kenji. The person in question did not even flinch at Ai's words since her attention was purely focused on her enemy, Kenji. Her killing intent was even intensifying after hearing Ai say he wanted to do bad things to her.

"Alright, stop!" Elder Nishikawa finally stood up and stood in front of Yuki. She looked at Kenji and said: "Kenji, was it? If you want to woo a girl, you can't come off as you are now. Any girl can see that you have ulterior motives when walking over as you did just now. I do not know how you are related to Ai, but if what she said is true and you have some kind of thoughts about my disciple, I do not mind making your life a living hell from this day forth."

Elder Nishikawa's words were heard by everyone. This was her declaration to everyone there that Yuki was now her disciple. She turned and looked at Yuki and asked: "It's okay right? For me to be your master?"

Yuki looked at Elder Nishikawa and thought for a moment as she slowly stabbed her sword back into the ground. She lowered her head while clenching her fists. She would need some kind of help in order to really gain strength in the future. While she did not trust Elder Nishikawa, she could feel that she did not mean any harm, but this did not mean she was going to let her guard down. But to gain a small foothold in the sect before entering then it was worth a small risk. The worst case scenario would be she would need to run away. She did not want to run away, but she would have no choice if things came down to it.

After thinking for almost a full minute, Yuki raised her head and, with an expressionless face, nodded slightly, agreeing with Elder Nishikawa's request. She was only doing this for her own future and nothing more.

Elder Nishikawa's lips curled up into a huge grin. No matter how old she truly was, her current looks were that of a young woman in her twenties, which still allowed her to be a youthful beauty, and to the young men around her, they couldn't help but become entranced by her smile. "Mmm! Good! Now since that is settled…."

"Meto…." A soft smile came from Yuki's side. Nana had suddenly said something which caused Elder Nishikawa to be surprised and smile once more. She would not say no! "Alright, you as well! You both will be my disciple. But just because you two are now officially, my disciples does not mean you can just do as you please or that you will get to run rampant. All of the sect rules still apply to you. You will learn all of this after the battles to determine who is best amongst the new disciples. But also know that as your master, I will not allow you two to suffer. Like when little boys do not know their place and have strange thoughts about my disciple."

While Elder Nishikawa was back on topic, Ai was feeling left out. Her Yuki was being snatched up by an old vixen, and there was nothing she could do about it! Ai kicked the dirt in front of her and with her head lowered.

Kenji, who had been the object of discussion this entire time, had a very embarrassed look on his face and a bit of hate in his eyes as he looked at his sister, who was openly ignoring him, kicking the dirt on the ground. She did not assist him at all and instead made him out to be some kind of pervert. He only wanted to get to know Yuki a bit better, but now…. He gritted his teeth and snorted as he turned and walked away. He would need to come up with a new plan to get to know this girl if he wished to make her his wife in the future.

Elder Nishikawa did not miss the look in Kenji's eyes as she turned and looked at Ai. "Ai, you will need to watch out for that young man. But I do hope that you plan to stay Yuki's friend and protect her as you did just now. While I can not give you the same position as these two, I will still ask you to watch out for these two while in the outer sect. Once you reach the third fate star, you will be eligible to take the inner sect test. There, you will get even more resources.

"Normally, as my disciples, I could push to make you inner sect disciples with your entrance tests alone, but I will not do that. I don't believe such favoritism will allow you to grow stronger. I do not wish for you to become sheltered birds. Only by suffering and nurturing your abilities with blood and sword will you be able to really bring out your natural strength and break through to reach even newer heights.

"The path of cultivation is a long one. It is also a very bloody one. You will walk over the corpses of many during your cultivation. But if I shelter you, no matter how strong you become, you will not be able to understand the cruelty of the real world and how to fight for the resources and treasures you might come upon. Plus, you would have no challengers in your strength range in the inner sect at this time. Fighting people who are a realm or two above you is never a good way to hone your skills. Only do so during times of life or death." Elder Nishikawa reached out and placed her hand on both Yuki's and Nana's heads, only to have her hands slapped away by both of them almost instantly.

Elder Nishikawa did not get mad as she let out a chuckle and said: "Alright. Alright, I won't touch your heads."

She then turned to Ai, who was sitting back down, looking at the fire as it sparked, and let out a sigh. "Ai, don't look so down. If you promise to stay by these two girls' side while in the outer sect, then I will also give you a few extra resources."

Ai looked up and forced a smile with some determination in her eyes. She now understood what it meant to be inferior. She had always been praised in her family, but coming here, she could only be considered average. While she couldn't say that she was not a little jealous, she also had a strong determination to try to catch up to Yuki and Nana. Seeing Ai's eyes made Elder Nishikawa feel relieved. It was not that she did not wish to take Ai as a disciple., it was just that she did not wish to listen to those damn old men complaining about her taking all the good seedlings. While they were strange, they were all good people and just as good of a master as her. If they weren't, Elder Nihishkawa would not have been here for so long as the only female elder. It can be said that Yuki was lucky to have chosen the Heavenly Cloud Sect out of all the sects, as it was the most harmonious one when it came to leadership.