Stunning The Crowd

Yuki grilled food while the matches began once again. Nana's match was not going to be for a while, so her, Ai, and Elder Nishikawa sat and ate the sharp toothed deer while everyone else watched on while salivating due to the smell of the roasted meat.

Most of these children who came from well off cultivation families normally only ate food pellets to curb their hunger as eating not only put impurities into your body but also took too much time away from cultivation. Only once and a while would they feast on meat, so to see so much of it being cooked and eaten in front of them, they couldn't help but stare with envy.

Yuki ignored all the stares as she silently ate her roasted meat. Only when her belly was full did she feel a little better after dealing with Kenji. She wondered to herself if she would have really run her sword through that young man's head. When she thought about it and imagined it, she felt… nothing... Not even the images of her sword piercing his skull and stabbing into his brain made her feel anything. She knew she was broken, but there was nothing she could do about it.

She looked over at Ai, who was munching on her meat like a squirrel closely watching the matches, and wondered why this girl hung on to her even though they had just met. She did not know what she was after, but she seemed like a nice girl. But even though she thought that Ai was nice, she would never let her guard down.

Ai felt Yuki looking at her and looked up at her and smiled as she chewed on the meat in her mouth. "Futh ish gwud!"

"Chew, then talk!" Elder Nishikawa scolded from the side, causing Ai to purse her lips as she quickly chewed her food and swallowed it.

"I said this is good! Thank you, Yuki!" Ai leaned against Yuki as she continued to eat.

Yuki did not say anything and turned her attention back to the fights. But she found them to be quite boring. The only fight she saw that was any good so far was the young man who took Kenji out in the first round. She did not listen to the young man's name, but she did notice he was quite strong, but Yuki felt if she were to fight anyone in the finals, it would be Nana. She figured the young man with the big body would meet her in the semi finals.

The battles continued, and Nana was quickly rising through the ranks. And sure enough, as Yuki had predicted, the one to reach the semi finals to face her was indeed that young man. Yuki stood up and grabbed her sword, and began to walk toward the arena. Her match was first, then it would be Nana versus another girl who seemed to be quite good at the sword as well. But Yuki felt that Nana's strength, along with how she could swing her two handed sword just as fast that she would definitely win. She walked five steps before pausing and turning to look at Nana. She opened her mouth and said one word. "Finals…."

"Mmm…" Nana answered with a hum and a nod of her head. Only then did Yuki turn and continue towards the arena.

Ai and NishiKawa both watched Yuki's back with a smile. She was confident. This was the way all cultivators should be. Never go into the arena thinking you will lose, otherwise, you will lose. This was just how things worked. Unless you have the determination and the guts to go into a fight ready to put your life on the line, then you are most likely never going to make it. It would be better if you just sat at home and never left the yard.

Yuki rested her chipped sword on her shoulder and looked at the young man across from her. He did not say a word as he drew his sword. His eyes were completely serious. He had seen the beast core that Yuki pulled out of that sharp toothed deer. It was a rank two core which meant she and her friends easily hunted a rank two demonic beast. This was no easy feat. While Yuki was small and thin, he could tell she was strong.

Rin looked at the two, who seemed ready, and grinned widely. Only one thought came across her mind at this time. 'The semi finals were so exciting!'

"Ahem… I wish you both luck! Begin!" Rin started the fight, all she saw was Yuki charge forward with her sword down at her side. It seemed like she just wanted to get this match done and over with.

But sadly for Yuki, the young man was also quite quick in his actions, and as soon as he saw Yuki move, he took a defensive stance, not wanting to end up like the last young man she had fought. But the thing he did not expect was that as he blocked, all he heard was metal against metal and a clanging sound. Before he knew what was going on, two legs wrapped around his neck, and a cracking sound followed before his vision began to fade. As he felt his body falling, he saw a young girl land on the ground catching her broken sword in her hand before it hit the ground standing there like some kind of war goddess.


"....." This was the entire crowd at this time as they saw the big burly young man crash into the ground. Things happened too fast and too smoothly.

"This is a joke, right? Just like that!?" Someone suddenly yelled out. "How the hell is that even possible!? When did she get into the air!?"

"Hahahahahaha!" Elder Nishikawa burst out laughing. "Excellent! This is how my disciple should be!"

Right now, Elder Nishikawa was absolutely amazed by Yuki's ability to judge the situation. She knew she would not wind against the young man with her sword as it was already in bad condition, so she chose to abandon it by swinging full force, and just before it hit, she let go, used her own momentum to spring her body up into the air and spun around landing on the young man's shoulders putting him in a perfect leg lock around the neck, easily putting him to sleep with a small twist! And what made things even better was that everything was done so smoothly!