Last Battle Before The Finals

Yuki ignored the shocked expressions on everyone's faces. She did not know why they were making such a big deal out of her beating someone. Many people had been defeated so far, so why were they so caught up on her? This she did not know, nor did she care. She walked back over to where she had made a fire and sat back down. She looked at Nana, who gave her a nod and stood up.

"Yuki, that was amazing! But… What will you do now? Your sword broke…." Ai was worried Yuki would not be able to fight without a sword.

"Yuki, just so you know, I can not assist you with this. I have to be fair during the entrance test. So you will either need to fight with your broken sword, or you will need to fight bare handed against Nana." Elder Nishikawa did not like it, but she had no choice. These were sect rules, and as an elder, she, too, had to uphold these rules. Otherwise, those old men would never let her hear the end of it.

Yuki did not say anything. She was too busy watching Nana as she was her next opponent. She actually wanted to fight with Nana, who was also able to make the stones go golden. She wanted to know just how much of a difference in their strength there was. Elder Nishikawa could only sigh as she realized that Yuki had just blatantly ignored her.

In the arena, Nana drew her large two handed sword and rested it on her shoulder. She knew the girl in front of her was quick with her sword, so she was not going to let down her guard. The girl stood there with her sword pointing down toward the ground and smirked: "I know you are also a gold tier, but that doesn't mean I will lose. Sorry to say, but the one to face Yuki will be me."

This girl had her fighting spirit lit up when she saw Yuki's movements. They were so clean and precise that she couldn't help but be amazed and wanted to fight her. But she still had this roadblock that she had to pass. She knew it would not be easy, but she would give it her all to win!

"Fight!" Rin yelled out.

Nana's opponent was a short haired girl with green robes on. She charged forward at an amazing speed. Even though she could not really use her spiritual qi very well externally, she was able to boost her speed by pushing her spiritual qi down toward her feet. Her control over her spiritual qi was very good. She bounced back and forth, trying to make it hard for Nana to know which side she would really be coming from.

Nana stood there with her sword still on her shoulder. She took a deep breath, waited for the short haired girl to get close, raised her sword into the air with one hand, and brought it down…


Dust and debris flew everywhere. Nana used the arena itself to stop the short haired girl's advance. The short haired girl jumped back as she rubbed her eyes. Her vision had become blurry due to dust getting into her eye. She had not expected such a move. One might think it was cheap, but it was actually a good tactic against a speed type fighter. Nana took this chance as the girl staggered backward to sweep her sword at the girl's side.

The girl sensed danger and quickly moved her sword to block. But it was then that she realized one thing about Nana, her strength was too much! And when you added in the weight of her large sword, it was even greater. She blocked the attack but could not stop the momentum. She was literally lifted into the air and shot out like a cannon, as if someone was swinging a stick to hit a ball!

"Nice!" Elder Nishikawa and Ai yelled out at the same time.

The girl tumbled through the air, and just as she was about to exit the arena area, she shifted her body as she came down and stabbed her sword into the ground directing the momentum into her sword and spun her body back around and flipped back into the arena before she was fully out. Sweat dripped from her brow. Her breathing was heavy. Such motions took almost all her strength, but she refused to give up. She wanted to win!

Nana wrinkled her nose. She went easy on the girl because she did not want to hurt her too much, but it seemed she went a little too easy on her. Thinking like this, she decided to just finish it all at once. She stomped her foot into the ground with all her strength causing her foot to sink into the ground as a hole was dug out that was about four inches deep as she shot forward at a speed much faster than the other girl could have moved. Nana was finally showing her actual movement speed.

The short haired girl was still trying to catch her breath so she could continue the fight, but when she saw Nana shooting toward her like a meteor, her face paled as she began to panic. She could not block another one of those attacks and stay in the arena. She gritted her teeth and readied her sword. Whether she could block it or not was all up to if she could parry the attack.

Nana swung her sword with the flat side in order to not bisect the girl and slammed into her the sword that moved just in time to protect her petite body. Her entire body was once again lifted off the ground and flung out like a cannonball. This time she had no strength left. She landed on the ground and skidded far out of the arena. "Winner, Nana!"

Rin announced the winner causing cheers to come from the side. "Thirty minute break, then we will do the finals!"

Nana sheathed her sword and walked back toward Yuki. Their eyes met, and they both nodded at each other. The silent duo was now about to take the stage to see who was more powerful.