Yuki Vs Nana Part 2

--AN)+ 5 Advanced Chapters can be found on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/invayne (Link in the synopsis)--

Yuki finally made her move as she stomped off the ground and charged forward. Her eyes were locked onto not Nana's sword but the girl's shoulders. Any slight movement of Nana's shoulders would tell her the direction of the attack or block.

She charged in, waiting to see what direction Nana would attack in, but what she did not expect was that as she got closer and closer that Nana did not move her shoulders but instead swung her foot out, sending a straight kick towards Yuki's midsection! Yuki gritted her teeth as she skidded to a stop and put her broken sword in front of her defensively. The foot hit the sword with great strength, causing Yuki to fall forward as she allowed the momentum to carry her. She then did a hand plant on Nana's leg and flipped herself towards Nana once more.

Nana's eyes widened as she thought she would have Yuki this time because she had noticed the girl always staring at her shoulders. But to her surprise, she was even able to use this to her advantage as well. Each attack and each defensive movement was her using the energy of her opponent in her favor. The corners of Nana's lips arched slightly before falling back down. This fight for her was…. Fun!

Yuki landed on Nana's shoulders with her legs wrapped around the back of Nana's neck. It was just the position was a bit…. Nana's face was turning bright red as she leaned back, stabbed her sword into the ground, while using her great strength, and flipped Yuki along with her as she stood on her hands forcing Yuki to have to let go. Yuki somersaulted, spun her body around, and landed on the ground. Her eyes staring at Nana. She had to admit Nana was by far her toughest opponent thus far. Even some of the demonic beasts she had fought were not as tough as this.

This just proved that Yuki still had a lot to learn when it came to fighting other humans. If this was a fight using spiritual qi, things would not be so easy either. That was when techniques and other types of weapons would come into play. This was why she was not shunning everyone as well. She needed to be a bit willing to get along with those around her even if she does not trust them all the way. Connections were necessary for her end goal. But if she ever felt that one of those connections was trying to harm her in any way, she would use her sword in response. She still had the katana that Elder Eijiro had given her. She had not used it at all since she had the sword she had gotten from the cave she was tortured in. But it was not like she could just go and take it out of her space with so many around either. Certain things should stay hidden, after all.

She was willing to show her fighting prowess as it was the best way to get good conditions in the sect but the space she had was not something she was willing to allow others to know of. She wanted to get her hands on what was called a space ring. As long as she could get her hand on one she would be able to use her space and pretend to take things out of the ring if needed. But it was also better to keep her most important things in her space and then use a space ring for other more daily use type things.

But she found such rings were not cheap, so she would have to wait a long time before she could get her hands on one unless she killed someone who had one. If she could do that, it would be the easiest method. And surprisingly, she did not see anything wrong with this method either since if she had to kill someone, it was probably because they were bad in the first place. Then again, Yuki's idea of bad could be summed up as two things. Men and anyone with even the slightest attitude toward her. In other words, she would not put up with any crap, no matter the reason.

The two once more were staring at each other once again. Yuki closed her eyes and began moving her demonic qi towards her feet and hands while using her spiritual qi to set a thin layer around them so she could do one last attack and finish things off. Taking a deep breath, Yuki charged forward. This time she did not plan to dodge anything, even if it meant taking some damage.

Nana saw Yuki charging in once more and frowned. She was starting to get tired. This battle had already lasted a long time. She sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to clear her mind before readying her sword. She watched as Yuki got closer and closer. It seemed Yuki was charging to her death like she did not plan to do anything fancy this time, which surprised Nana, who was not expecting a blitz type attack she could only swing her sword aiming for Yuki's side as if she was going to bisect her.

But Yuki had no intention of dodging at all as she continued forward. Even as the sword was only a quarter of an inch away, she only saw Yuki's determined eyes causing her to halt her swing, then….


"'Ugh!!!!!!" Square in the stomach, a punch with all her strength almost making Nana puke up her lunch, Yuki used her staggering position to turn her body into Nana and sweep her off her feet before flipping her over her shoulder. The huge two handed sword fell to the ground. Yuki grabbed the hilt and stabbed it into the ground next to Nana's head as she said softly. "Draw…"

"Huh?" This was the question on everyone's minds. Even Rin, who was in charge of overseeing the match, was confused when she heard Yuki's soft words.

Yuki then pointed at her side, which was bleeding. And said once more: "Draw…."

Nana's chest heaved up and down as she looked at Yuki in confusion. When she saw the slice in Yuki's side that was dripping with blood, she finally understood. She had not halted her swing fast enough and still cut into Yuki's body. In truth, if she did not stop, Yuki would have died. But since she did stop, Yuki was still able to one up her and stab her own sword next to her head, which would have been an instant kill.