Another Test?

--AN) + 5 Advanced Chapters can be found on Patreon!

"It's a draw!" Elder Nishikawa understood what Yuki was saying. "While Nana did stop her sword, and Yuki took advantage of that, it was a fact that if this was a real fight, Yuki would have been cut in half, and Nana should have turned her sword to the flat side instead of going for a killing move."

"Ah… Ri-Right draw!" Rin stuttered slightly since she never expected such an outcome. "Since it is a draw, both Junior Sister Yuki and Junior Sister Nana will gain an additional fifty contribution points. The original amount was one hundred but since it is a draw it will be split between the two of them." Rin now had to start speaking more formally since the tests were over, and they were now officially disciples of the sect.

"Umm, Senior Sister Rin, what are contribution points?" A young girl asked.

"I am glad you asked!" Rin looked happy to be asked such a question, as if she had been prepared to answer said question this entire time. Internally she was actually thinking just that. She was glad she practiced so she could seem like a smart senior sister! She took a deep breath and was just about to answer when….

"Contribution points are points used to do many things throughout the sect. From buying pills to helping with cultivation and other types of pills for healing to techniques. All things must be purchased with contribution points. Always remember that contribution points are necessary for day to day… Ouch Junior Sister Rin, what did you hit me!?"

Rin cheeks were puffed out as she bashed Takeichi with her fists. Her carefully laid out plan to look like a smart Senior Sister was now ruined due to this idiot! "Shut up and scram!"

Elder Nishikawa giggled, watching the two having a lover's spat. She had watched both of them basically grow up in the sect and knew they were both close. So seeing them like this made her smile.

"Humph!" Rin snorted as she continued: "In order to gain contribution points, you must first do missions that you can get from the mission pavilion. While it may seem like a hassle, there is no free lunch in the world, and doing missions gives you real world training. Of course, as new disciples, you will be able to do missions from day one as well but are limited to gathering missions only. But remember, even a gathering mission can result in death, as demonic beasts are everywhere. So always be careful and go in groups. The last thing we want to do is add a name to the wall."

"The wall?" A male disciple asked in confusion.

"The wall of the lost. It is a special wall that is set up to remind everyone we live in a world built and ruled by the strong. It is a wall where every person from the sect that has died since its founding has their name inscribed on it unless they were kicked from the sect or did some kind of bad deed that goes against sect rules. It is the biggest reminder to you all to cherish life." Rin replied.

"Now then." Rin smiled and clapped her hands. "Alright, everyone, line up. You will all now enter the gate to the sect. Also, watch your step after you enter. I would hate for you all to fall to your deaths upon entry."

Everyone's faces paled as they did their best to line up orderly. Yuki, Nana, and Ai all got in line. For some reason, Nana and Ai made sure to stand behind and in front of Yuki, respectively, almost as if they were working as some kind of shield. And rightfully so. Right now, with the performance that Yuki put on, along with her beauty, made her a prime target for those trying to boost their cultivation clans. Such women were seen as having the perfect genes to make new strong clan members. Even with Yuki only being thirteen, that would not stop some families from trying to marry her into their families and having her bear children.

With everyone lined up, the huge gates that stood before them slowly opened but only a crack. Rin stood at the head with Takeichi and yelled out: "Alright! Everyone, forward! Remember, when you enter the gate, watch your step!"

The Heavenly Cloud Sect was not a top sect for no reason. The sect's history dates back thousands of years. So it was not strange for them to have some very mystical things, such as a massive illusion array that hid the entire sect altogether.

As soon as Yuki stepped through the gates, she was met with a large chasm. That looked like a bottomless abyss. The wind was strong as it blew across the land. When she turned around, she saw that there was indeed a field behind her still, but she was now standing at the edge of a cliff.

"This array, as many of you have noticed, hides the sect but is also not just an illusion. Without high enough spiritual qi, one would not even be able to notice the array and would walk around normally. This bridge before you is called the bridge of destiny. You can consider it the last test for new disciples. Each one of you will take turns crossing this bridge." Rin smiled as she said this, but the bridge had two purposes. To test a person's will as they walk across the rickety bridge over the bottomless chasm and to test one's, own heart.

Only with a calm heart could one easily enter the sect without issue, but if a person had bad thoughts about wanting to enter the sect, they would end up seeing things they did not wish to see. What they saw was up to the person who was seeing them as it would dig out their innermost fears. The bridge itself was not only the only entrance into the sect but was meant for entrance tests only and helped weed out many people who had ill intentions towards the sect.