Nothing Happened Part 2

Rin and Takeichi both stared at Yuki, who was patiently waiting on the other side of the bridge with her broken sword stabbed into the ground, one leg crossed in front of her while resting her head on the knee she had propped up. She looked as if she would fall asleep any minute if people made her wait too long. But the thing that bothered these two was… "Nothing happened…."

"Mmm… Nothing happened…. This has never happened before…." Takeichi was confused. He did not know if the bridge was broken or not. He looked over at Elder Nishikawa to see if she had anything to say only to see her smug expression causing him to feel like even if she knew something it was hopeless to ask.

"Ahem… Junior Sister Nana, you are next." Rin decided to just get the show on the road.

Nana walked forward and, without any hesitation at all, began walking across the bridge. She saw how Yuki had passed with ease and while she was worried about being caught in the illusion she still kept a clear mind and calm heart as she stared straight ahead. Her eyes locked with Yuki's, and the two girls stared at one another. This seemed to have calmed Nana's nerves by a lot.

With one step at a time, she marched forward across the bridge, her eyes never leaving Yuki's. She felt as if Yuki was putting her under some kind of spell that was allowing her to move forward without needing to worry about anything. Even when she reached the large gap in the bridge she did as Yuki did and jumped up on top of the rope. With her arms spread out, she went heel to toe and moved swiftly past the gap.

A little while later, she stood before Yuki, who looked up at her from her knee and nodded slightly. It was as if she was saying, good job. Nana's lips curled up a tiny bit as she nodded back before her face went back to how it always was. She then stabbed her sword into the ground and sat next to Yuki.

Ai who was watching everything, felt a little jealous. She had noticed the silent communication between the two of them. It was as if they were reading each other's minds. They could understand each other without needing to speak a single word half the time! After grumbling to herself for a few minutes, Ai decided on what she needed to do! "I need to learn how to speak Yuki too…."

Rin and Takeichi both looked at each other, wondering what was going on. As far as they knew, no one had passed the bridge of destiny without anything happening. But now two people easily passed it with no problems!

Next to go up were the third and fourth place positions. Second place was skipped due to the draw during the matches. The first to go up was the young man who had lost to Yuki. He did not think that it would be all that hard since Yuki and Nana crossed the bridge without issue. He felt maybe Senior Sister Rin had been messing with them.

He confidently stepped forward and began walking across the bridge. "Heh, this is a piece of cake!"

The young man snorted as he continued forward. But for some reason, after a few minutes, he came to a stop. In front of him was a young black haired girl with black eyes staring at him. Her petite frame made her look frail, but the cold expressionlessness face was something he disliked the most. "Get out of here!"

He felt nervous. He did not know why this girl suddenly walked back across the bridge. Was she messing with him? Why would she come back? He couldn't put any of his thoughts together and suddenly drew his sword when he saw the girl in front of him take a step forward. "What are you doing!? Stay back! So what if you are one of the golden girls!? So what if you won against me once!? I was just going easy on you. If you do not want to be sent into the abyss, you better…."

The bridge swayed as the young girl took a step forward again, causing the young man to choke on his words. He saw her suddenly press hard on the wooden plank with her foot and sprint right at him. In his panic, he cried out: "Damniit! Yuki, don't go too far!"

He swung his sword at 'Yuki' like a maniac as he began laughing maniacally. His wild and wide swings were making the bridge sway like crazy. Everyone was shocked at what was going on. No one could understand. Why was he saying the golden girl's name? Rin and Takeichi were both turned around with shaking shoulders. They really found this to be amusing. They never thought that one day they would see a girl someone had just met be the reason they would go nuts in the illusion of the bridge of destiny.

"This is too much! Hahaha! Why did you scream Junior Sister's name!? Did losing to her cause such a trauma that it had already seeped into his heart? Hahaha!" Rin was losing it. She really found it amusing.

"Ah, he fell…." Takeichi woke RIn up from her stint, causing her to cry out: "What!?"

Sure enough, when she looked over, she saw the young man falling down into the chasm below. She turned and looked at the other disciples to see all their faces were now pale. "Oh? Looks like things will be more fun." Rin did not look concerned at all about the young man falling to his death. It was as if he never existed at all.

"Yeah, I can see it. They are all worried. I am sure they will all show us a good show. Just like how we put one on for the senior brothers and sisters who did our tests." Takeichi chuckled. He also did not seem to care about the loss of the young man. He seemed to find it quite amusing that more would soon fall.