
"I don't want to go!" A short haired girl yelled out as she was dragged to the bridge by Rin. At this moment the angel like Senior Sister had become a rank ten demonic beast that wanted to torture her to death! She may have been prideful when fighting Nana, but that and this were very different!

And with a bit of exerted strength, the short haired girl was tossed onto the bridge where she now had no choice but to continue forward. She began walking across the bridge, hugging herself. She did not want to be like the guy before her, she did not want to fall off, so when she got to a certain point she held onto the rope railing for dear life. It was not until she got about halfway that she began to see her world spin. The whole scene in front of her began to change and when it did, the bridge disappeared which stunned her at first. It had turned into a dirt road that went straight, and on this dirt road was a young man. A young man who she did not wish to see. "Br-Brother…."

"Ami, you are trash! What makes you think you can grow stronger than me!? Why do you think you can stand on my head!? I got accepted into the Roaring Cloud Sect. I will become someone you will never be able to touch!" The young man's lips curled up into a cruel smile. "Have fun growing old and dying without ever knowing what it is like to grow powerful."

Ami, the girl with short hair who now looked around nine years of age began to tear up as she saw her brother turn and begin to walk away. In her heart, she hated her brother. For as long as she can remember, he had taken all the good things. Her body was underdeveloped due to him getting all the good food. While she only got scraps. He treated her as a punching bag as well, which made her yearn for power. And now….

Tears fell from Ami's eyes as she stared straight forward. The scene changed, and she was now in an old run down hut. Ami, now twelve, was staring at her mother and a middle aged man with a sick grin on his face. "What are you doing!? Say hi to Mr. Sugita. He had just lost his wife and was looking for another one. He gave us a good amount of money to buy you, so make sure you serve him well."

"No! No! I will not!" Ami rushed forward and pushed past everyone. While Ami was seeing scenes she did not wish to ever see again, she was running as if her life depended on it. In her past, she had done the same thing. That day she had run out of the house and into the forest and never returned. But she was lucky she worked for a year and a half for a kind family in one of the big towns who took pity on her. But during that time, she worked hard with her cultivation and martial arts. She did not wish to be left behind. The faster she was with her sword, the better she felt. Each time she pictured the people she hated the most. The people she wanted to kill the most.

Ami, who could no longer see the bridge, kept running and running and finally reached the gap where she would need to jump, but to everyone's surprise, she suddenly continued running forward as if she was stepping on air. She did not fall even when she was in the middle of the large gap in the bridge. She kept running all the way until she reached the end.

"This…." Many disciples did not understand. Why did she not fall? The other young man fell, but why did this girl not fall?

"Hehe…. Surprised, right?" Rin gave an evil grin. "I told you all this illusion array is not simple. It can make you walk through a forest and not even know that there was a huge gap or even a mountain in front of you. Do not take this bridge lightly. It will dig out your darkest fears or whatever you wish to forget. Only a calm mind and calm heart can pass without being disturbed."

Everyone gulped. This meant there was a chance they could fall if their illusion did not change the surroundings. Rin was really shaking all these new disciples' hearts, which was her job, just like her senior sisters and brothers did to her.

Elder Nishikawa was smiling away. This was the best way to really get these kids to firm these kids' hearts and try to let go of the past. But she really wished she could go over to Yuki right now and ask how she could pass the bridge so easily, but she couldn't because she was currently being impartial.

When Ami reached the other side, her vision cleared up, and she was met with two sets of eyes staring at her. She was shocked at first to find out that she passed by, but she lowered her head from the two girls' intense stare. She wiped her eyes and did not even look at the silent duo sitting there. She was still shaken by the illusion just now. It was all too real!

Yuki was starting to understand a bit of what was going on. She could tell that Ami could not see the gap in front of her. This meant it was an illusion on top of an illusion. While the young man from before had fallen to his supposed death, she felt he was probably alive and well.

People kept going one after the other until it was finally Ai's turn. Quite a few people had fallen off, but each one of them so far had been under the influence of the illusion. Ai knew she could not run away from this. She looked straight ahead to see Yuki not even looking at her but looking at the bridge herself, probably trying to figure out how it worked. She sighed as she realized that she had a long way to go before she could be as close to Yuki as Nana was who had just met Yuki. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out onto the bridge and began walking across it. She would not fall no matter what!