However, the real war takes place behind the battle lines. Duke Goltanna arrests the priest Orlandeau for treason for heeding a false tip given by Latidaris and appoints the former commoner as the new commander of South Galactica. Latidaris takes the Duke's trust as an opportunity to kill him, in which the new Commander also kills a false God of Thunder, framing the Priest for Goltanna 's death .
As the real Olandeau joins Ronzum 's group on the other side of the war, Cedygad takes advantage of the confusion caused by the Moss - Fungus poison and murders Duke Larg , in which Zalbaag observes the betrayal without taking any action, but is distraught by what he sees.
Before dying, Larg mentions, much to Zalbaag's surprise , that Cedygad is the real culprit for his own father's death, which shakes trust between the brothers.