In which another "Risks", Rozeaun Kratz , appears during Audorisus' battles at Leanderus Monde , informing him of the VKP, Sheldon, and Priest's plans, and later of his part in the tragedy that occurred in Audorisus ' past . This injects suspicion on Audorisus ' part , as the "Risks" always act alone.
In which the "Crimson Blades", under the direct orders of Father Batistum , are an integral group of the "Knights of the Priest's Cross" ("Guardians of the Cardinal's Cross"), and are charged with hunting down heretics and dismantling cults. Romeo Golden Steigaith , their leader, is a man of full faith.
Being that he is deeply faithful to his beliefs and consequently immune to the dark powers of solar waves. Under the Priest's orders, he pursues Sheldon leading a small army of knights and their captains.
In which Samantha (who is also his lover), Duane (a renowned cleric), Grissom (who with his Summoner art, flirts with dark powers), Tieger and Neesa (these last great warriors).