- Yes. – Everyone said in unison.

Each one of them gathered in circles, when all of them launched around them, as they were surrounded by monsters, an immense ball of fire, incinerating all the creatures that jumped in their direction, destroying everything that was flesh and blood.

Then, and now, they thought as they saw the great sorcerer along, seated on a throne atop an altar.

- What do you want to do, great lion of fire? - His right arm questioned him.

- You fight the creatures; I will fight the sorcerer. - The fire lion said.

- So be it. – They said with their weapons in hand, attacking the monster.

The sorcerer revealed that he had kept the secret of the Sand Cemetery for centuries and would not let the adventurers leave alive, when the group fought the sorcerer and his minions in which there were a series of creatures that came out of several holes, a huge beast that it felt like the greatest danger, when everyone was grouping together, casting their spells.

The first group stood in front, launching flames of energy, the second, launching their spears, in the middle of throwing a sword, pulling them, between jumping and riding on top of a huge crawling beast.

Meanwhile, the great red lion, was facing the great sorcerer, a combination of casting spells with the swing of their swords, releasing spark.

- Many came and none of them came back or beat me, do you think you can, fool? – The sorcerer questioned him.

- There's always a first time for everything. - The lion said.

- You will find your end in my hands today. – He said, in the middle of that, they did a somersault, launching the serpent to be hit in the middle of creating a portal, launching it back towards the sorcerer.

When one of his allies, being thrown by his companions, he slashed his sword towards a large creature, splitting it in half, then using a wind blow, he landed on top of a pedestal, running in toward the altar, he takes an orb from his column.

- No... - The sorcerer said. - You cannot. - He said, distracted.

-And what will we see. - The lion said, in the midst of surrounding and surrendering, he pressed him towards a stone wall behind him, with strokes of his sword, at that time, in which the sorcerer pushed him, using his staff, launching a gust of energy, to be retaliated and hit towards a wall, collapsing a part of the ceiling, when the sorcerer tried to protect himself, the lion of fire invested against him.

When your things happen, taking advantage of his distraction, another man cuts the big worm in half, at that time, the lion cuts off the sorcerer's head, then runs with an impulse when he is surprised by the gigantic serpent of the sand cutting it to the side. middle, crossing from one side to the other with his sword of flames, meanwhile, the other warrior, destroys the orb with a blow of his sword, causing all the other monsters to die, turning to sand.

So that in the end, they managed to defeat him and gather there, when realizing that the place was still intact.

- This location is not made by the sorcerer's magic. - One of them said, while cleaning the sword of the guts of monsters.

- That explains why it did not collapse. - Another said.

- So, this place must exist a long time ago, before he arrived here. - Another of them said.

- Can we take the treasures from here? - One of them questioned, amidst hearing the general questioning.

- They just want the beast's head, they did not say anything about the riches in the cave, we can take it with the magic and infinite bags, that way, nobody finds out. - The lion said.

- Plunder by right. - Another said, with general agreement.

Each of the men collected the heads of monsters, while they finished collecting the riches and treasures, keeping them in their backpacks, without having anyone to supervise, each of them took something and took them, leaving the cave empty.

Discovering that they were great adventures and challenges, those who arrived and did not leave, never spoke about the riches, because they could not defeat the sorcerer.

The fiery lion took his books and mystical relics with him, each of them carrying mystical objects of power and value.

Discovering what showed nothing but skeletons and remains of other beings that did not make it to the end.

No one spoke about its secrets, they never spoke about the Sand Cemetery again, they only spoke about tales of spirits, where those red sands inhabit.

Not long after, it is still the subject of history and the other of tales of terror and mystery, where spirits roam the red sand, a forbidden place, but which everyone understands that they must not enter.

That sorcerer should strike fear, but early from the sorcerer's wrath, even if even today, the secrets of the Sand Cemetery remain hidden, among the members of the group in which the sand monsters keep returning thanks to the shadows, and the spirits of the great sorcerer who began to roam the place, roaming the dunes, in search of revenge.

So the men went back along the paths outside the caves, where they found the camels in the middle of an oasis, where they collected them on their way back to the village of the elders with the heads of these creatures.

They walked through the place, between the sands leaving the cemetery, heading towards the village in the great city of sand, where they were expected by a large entourage, at the city entrance gates.

The monster's head, being dragged by ropes that bound them, it took more than six camels to carry it, even though it was split in half, carrying it towards the entrance by their camels to enter the city.

At that time, beside them, the great prophet could be seen, an ancient man, an old man with a long white beard and green eyes, who was waiting for them.

- I told you they could, great elders. – The man in green robes and a chachia on his head, showing his long white wavy hair.

On the scorching sands of the desert roamed mighty sorcerers, wielding an ancient magic passed down through generations, they were a mysterious and reclusive people known only to a select few who dared to venture into the unforgiving wasteland.

Then, they returned to show the head, plus other severed monster heads along with them.

- We show our services, pay for your word. - The great mouthpiece of the fire lion said.

- Yes, be my young man. - The old man said.

- We now congratulate the great lion of fire as the first ayatollah, will be the lord of this land. - He said.

He became the great ayatollah, known as the sorcerer, first vizier and lord of fire and flames, the one who would never lose a battle, reigning amidst the desert sands.

His name became known to all, his fame, his increasing fortune, his allies, by his side, conquerors of great fortunes and deeds.

They even reached neighbouring kingdoms on their quests, where they had countless visitors who came to seek their help.

In ages after, when he met in his first life, the daughter of the great prophet, the fiery green-eyed maiden at his side.