- I ask you to give your daughter's hand in marriage to me. - The vizier and king said.

- So be it. – The prophet said.

It was said to have a great feast towards the sands of the deserts where various emir’s and great kings came from various kingdoms for the great feast.

One day, a young adventurer named Amir went in search of these sorcerers, driven by the thirst for knowledge and the desire to unravel the secrets of the desert.

When he travelled for days, facing sandstorms and scorching heat, until he finally found a hidden oasis.

He came to the vizier's kingdom, seeking his wisdom and his help.

There, he encountered a group of sorcerers, led by a wise and powerful old woman named Zara, the first daughter and descendant of the lion of fire.

When Amir was impressed with their abilities, they summoned water from the air, created illusions, and even commanded the sands themselves.

In which she showed that she was worthy of being descended from the great lion of Gogo.

Zara saw potential in Amir and took him under her wing, teaching him the ways of magic and the secrets of the desert, as Amir trained tirelessly, mastering new spells and enchantments, and soon became a powerful sorcerer in his own right.

When men arrived there to ask for help from the lion of fire that they said was immortal, he still ruled the kingdoms of sand, alongside the sorceress and prophetess.

Even as they watched their bloodline grow, Amir's journey was far from over, even as the evil awakened, where in the depths of the desert lay an ancient evil, sealed away by the groups of sorcerers who were the allies of the great vizier. .

Emerging as a vengeful spirit, a powerful sorcerer gone rogue, who sought to break the seal and unleash chaos on the world.

Fighting by his side Sara the sorceress queen, plus her beloved the vizier king, they faced the great evil, receiving the news that Amir came to their side.

His granddaughter was there teaching him the ways of the desert, when the immortal king was still reigning in the middle of the way.

With the help of his newfound powers, Amir decided he would help stop the rogue sorcerer and save the wasteland from his tyranny.

Then, next to that young man, the fiery lion, his wife in which they went again on a long and dangerous journey, but Amir admired, next to other warriors, in which each of them, they saw that the vizier of the sorceress .

They were showing how much they persevere in contrasting diversities, in which with the help of Zara and the other sorcerers, they managed to defeat the rogue sorcerer and restore peace to the desert.

In the midst of great undertakings, when they went towards the adventure, a mission that took them towards the world of sand of the diamond dunes, amidst the rays of infinite cosmos, in which they were roaming the sands and dunes of the desert.

In the midst of meeting a mighty prophet, they told Amir of a great quest in which he would find enlightenment, in which he spoke of his own quest and adventure, with his great achievement.

So Amir was supposed to go alone, at that time, when they were roaming the desert, when they parted.

He was approached when facing, according to visions, the great beast of the desert, in the midst of bringing an immense jewel that would bring water to one of the allied kingdoms, where he should put it in his well, from there, he threw a sword at the great beast, cutting its head, under his nest there was the stone, when he returned to the place where he was expected, there was the well, where he placed the stone, from it, water gushed endlessly for everyone.

Amir returned to the oasis a hero, and the sorcerers welcomed him as one of their own, and from that day forward, Amir wandered the desert, using his magic to help and protect the people, and unravelling even more mysteries hidden in the sands.

With its mystery stories and legends about the dark secrets of a place called the sand cemetery, where monsters live and live and legends about dark sorcerers

The Sand Graveyard has a long and mysterious history, where according to legends it was once a thriving desert community, but a powerful sorcerer cast a curse on the land, causing the sand to turn dark red and the creatures.

Those same creatures that did not live there became monstrous, when the sorcerer then banished all inhabitants of the community and took control of the area, using his dark magic to control the monsters and protect its secrets.

Over the centuries, many brave souls have ventured into the Graveyard of Sand in search of treasure and to discover the sorcerer's secrets, but few have returned, and those who have returned have spoken of terrible sand monsters, creepy crawlies, and a dark sorcerer who would not let go. no one gets out alive.

Even if they took the gold and riches away from that cursed land, they sprouted again, appearing again, then the dead, monsters and zombies returned to roam that territory that concentrated a large number of supernatural creatures.

- Beware of dangers in the sand graveyard in the mission. - The sage and prophet said.

The legends of the Sand Cemetery speak of the great sage and prophet, who was said to be the adviser of the Ayatollah, in which they were gathered.

It was the story he heard from his ancestors.

- You know that this place is forbidden. - He said.

- This is a cursed place. - He said.

- Because you say so, great sage. - One of them questioned.

This place was once a city, but it was filled with riches.

Its inhabitants, who were prosperous, but taken by greed, ambition and envy, invoked a demonic force, which would fulfil their endless desires, but they refused to pay, when the creature took its toll.

So this creature, cursed them, them and the city, which was taken over by monsters, in addition to its territory, in which it is a hidden underground city, full of treasures and ancient artifacts, but is also said to be guarded by the minions of the sorcerer and cursed by his black magic. Some say the sorcerer still resides in the city, using his magic to keep the monsters in check and protect its secrets.

Other legends speak of a powerful artifact, hidden deep within the Graveyard of Sand, that could break the curse and restore the land to its former glory, but the artifact is said to be closely guarded by the sorcerer and his minions, and only the bravest adventurers. and skilled people have a chance to find it.

Despite the dangers, there are still those who are drawn to the Sand Graveyard in search of adventure and treasure. But they do so at their own peril, for the Sand Graveyard's secrets are closely guarded and the sorcerer's wrath is not to be taken lightly.