In his caravan, he went in search of the predestined vizier, then, he was helped by the prophetess, who was the daughter of a magician of the desert, she helped him to find.

The prophetess, in turn, helped the vizier to great conquests, freeing the people from the sand from the dangers of the desert.

In the midst of this, in their last act, the ancient demons of the black fire desert, cursed those two who touched each other in this life, they would die, in addition to living eternally as an old woman, unable to touch him, until the moon lost its light. his daughter.

In the midst of this, he faced and the demons of the desert that he was aided by other followers, in the midst of this, when he fled with the youth of his beloved, who isolated herself in the desert sands.

When finally, he helped by other mages, the Ayatollah's army, faced each of the ancient Demons of the desert, trapping them in another world and exiling them, using the fire opals, created by magic to trap them, some of them fled, with the exception of that demon of dark fire, who had in his power the stone that guarded the prophetess's youth.

Between these and other worlds, some were trapped in lamps, waiting for the right moment to be able to escape, so the great sultan came to the fiery vizier and questioned him.

The vizier had a plan, the demons of the desert, as he said, in this life, he could not stay beside the prophet, he stole youth, love and the future, nothing prevented him from doing something in his next life.

Before moving on to what helped to study a way to circumvent the dark magic of the Desert Demons, then, he recognized that he should use a way to live in his own lineage, taking over the blood of the ancient Ayatollah, even though he knew that the demons from the desert would return, he hatched a plan.

After several months of potions, which he created, he was called by the Ayatollah, when he had the idea, which took shape.

- What do you want as a reward for saving my people, ask for anything, then I will do it. - He said.

The vizier was neither stupid nor naive, even desires can be distorted, so he instilled fear in the ayatollah.

- That evil will one day return, I will not be here, but then, it can put the world on its feet once more. - He said.

- So, what do you propose? – The Ayatollah asked him.

I propose that I may marry your last daughter, the one who is a rightful daughter so that your lineage will be the source of my descendants who will be the ones who will help protect the kingdom and the people, fight as viziers in the kingdom. - He said.

Thinking about it, in his mind, there was no problem in giving away the last daughter, they would not be the ones who stood in the way of his sons having the right to the throne, they could be great advisers, the Ayatollah thought.

- So be it. - He said.

Many ages ago, the great and future Sultan, the son of the great Ayatollah, was predestined.

In the midst of periodic battles, a long time ago, the first vizier died, what they did not know was that a series of misfortunes afflicted the kingdom, the secondary son died, thus leaving only the descendants of the last son.

So, according to an ancient prophecy, in a battle, it was like this, according to the previous vizier that he would command many communities, that the women of many nations of the sand, one of his children that would be born to him, would be chosen to face a great evil.

Amidst the tales of the desert, ages ago, amidst a series of journeys, among the caravans, when his wife long ago, after many years of trying, she became pregnant .

Fatima was his first wife, she married him for two reasons, they loved each other since they were children, also their parents were allies.

Even though he had loved her for a long time, even though she had not borne a son, his other ten wives, in agreement with other of his allies, had borne children for him, but he longed for children with her.

He walked through the desert sands, when a mysterious woman, in the desert sands, handed him a lamp.

This lamp had a Desert Devils on it, it was like that, when asking for a child to be born, so, he didn't know that this meant she should get sick, but he looked for countless doctors, thinking about what the desert demons and his order he had made with his beloved.

- You know, you will have to choose between the love of your beloved or having a child, you can't have both.

For many months he searched for a solution, hers, in which he found countless specialists, where he heard about the mysterious sorceress of the desert oasis.

The sultan took his beloved wife to a place where his caravan, amid countless magicians and experts, until he found the lady wrapped in shadows and the long veil that covered her, without ever seeing her face.

So, as he walked across the desert sands, the ancient sultan Anon Ananqui , found a sorceress, she was his last alternative, in search of saving his beloved, but there was more than he could take.

Amidst finding far away almost at the end of the world, in an oasis in the desert sand, the woman the sorceress, gave the sultan a choice.

Your wife or your child.

When he thought he might find a way or another to find a way to get his wife back later, she would keep her no matter what he went through.

due to the great sandstorm, he saw the dark sorcerer of the oasis save the child, in the midst of seeing the storm, he managed to save the children, it was the fire of the flames, on a prophecy, he was born.

His great power and potential was admired and he grew to become the greatest right-hand man and the most powerful vizier.

He who was the son of the first wife, but abdicated his rightful place to the first son of the second wife, who came first.

During a period when a Demons of the desert was that he could not have the child, his first wife was predestined to live forever, if she had no children, but if his son was born, he would be predestined to defeat the demons of the desert.

The man the vizier cannot bring his beloved back, the vizier the former defender would not help him, when he had to decide whether he saved his first wife, or whether he saved his unborn first child.

They said that as a reincarnation, he was the next to be the vizier, but she did not remember anything, her beloved, again, according to what they said, the curse, would not give much time to live, they could meet again, so, he was to the prophet.

- I could find a potion that would allow me to return later, according to the curse of the desert demons, I will not be able to live to love her completely. - He said.

At that time, when he took her on a mission, to flee from the Demons of the desert, he took her to the prophet, as well as a sorceress who had to make a potion.

As the desert demons said, the prophet reiterated, he had to decide, he looked to this reincarnation.

- This life of yours did not give you strength, you are a crippled king, you do not have the strength of a warrior due to the curse, you will not live long, so you will return as a new one, but there is another thing to decide. – The prophet said.