- If your wife survives, she will never have children, she will live forever, even if you die of old age, your final destiny, is intertwined with the birth of your first child, if he is born, she will die and he is predestined to great deeds, to be the next vizier. – The prophet said.

- She will be hunted for all eternity, with her death, the new descendant will come, she will bring the most powerful of the viziers. - He said.

- So, if one day, she has a child, she will die, if she doesn't have it, she will live, and her destiny will be to take the destiny of her first son, then, she will be destined to take the destiny and face the demons from the desert. – The prophet said.

- Will you take her fate, for your love? — The prophet questioned him.

- You will be left without a son, a future warrior and the greatest of all viziers. - He said.

- If I return with another life, find her again, she will be married to a new virile warrior, I only need a son and a descendant to return. - He said.

- Will you deprive her of a child? — The prophet questioned him.

- I knows. - He said. - I love her. - He said.

The prophet of the desert died in a hunt in a curse that made her age until she died, before fulfilling her love.

- I have a hundred wives, in addition to my first wife, I have a thousand concubines, in addition to my hundred wives, why do I need a child from this woman I love so much? - He said.

- I love her as she is, that she take her destiny, be immortal and face the demons of the desert at my side, as is her obligation as my first warrior wife. - He said.

- She's immortal, you are not. – The prophet said.

- I love, she will know, that I will be hers for eternity, even if we meet in a thousand years, I don't care. - He said.

- Remove her uterus, she doesn't need it, I can have many children with my other wives. – The Ayatollah said.

- So be it. - The prophet said, when bringing

Being a history of centuries, its mysteries, and secrets, coming from the sands of the desert, its secrets and its stories, legends and the beings that wander through it.

Since she woke up when the man sacrificed himself so that she would have an anchor that would place her as the immortal sorceress, away from the curse of the desert demons.

- You must die, for her to live, you will meet, even if it passes centuries.

She woke up, seeing that her beloved was wasting away and getting old, crying by her side, as if centuries had passed, he was aging in front of her, becoming sand, being carried away by the wind.

- Enjoy your life, daughter, he gave you a gift, one day, you will meet again. – The prophet said.

- When will be this? - She questioned him.

- The star on your chest, will show the way, to whom, it will be, when you meet again. – The prophet said.

It was where he portrays the beauty of the desert, in addition to portraying the beauty of love and endless reincarnation, in the beauty of the sands of time and destiny, when he finds his beloved who was cursed, when he faced his enemies.

She became the sorcerer and queen of the red desert, the great warrior stretching back centuries, always looking for the star sign in the great warriors who were born into the dynasty of her husband's other wives.

She defeated the demons of the desert, being pursued by them, until she isolated herself, travelled around the world, looking at the stars, where they guided her through new adventures.

Then, when he defeated them, to then die and meet again over the centuries in the desert sands.

Since everything started many ages ago, to face his enemies, the vizier using the genes of his descendants, with a spell, joining a potion, he creates a form, in which he creates a continuous and successive cycle of reincarnation.

After many centuries, he was born in the present eras, the eldest son of the current Ayatollah, he will be next in line of succession, then, he was according to a prophet to great deeds, he, now, was remembering according to a potion made by a prophet, she would remember, in the great sandstorm, he was the great vizier, born with his hair the colour of fire, in skin of fire, he was the predestined.

She did everything so that he could find his lost beloved, which he also uses to reincarnate in their bodies to be able to meet his beloved the prophet.

Being that during great conquests, in long and successive battles.

Over time, they met, when together, they faced and defeated the demons of the desert and their enemies, forming an immortal couple, who live together over the centuries, when he saw her traveling the sands of the desert, in a caravan. , in which she was injured, even though the woman did not know that this could be fatal, others did not know, she would be captured, that's when the prince's army

When she lived several lives, between the time when in a last confrontation, they fought in a battle, where they faced their enemies again.

Since they met at the present time, in the beauty of the desert sands, she has returned as the wife of an archaeologist and researcher, now, he is the son of an Ayatollah.

At that time, the desert demons killed the archaeologist in pursuit, leaving his daughter alive, in the care of the priestess, in a new tale of love, when she was pursued by her enemies, mistaken for a witch, so she is rescued. for him, when the man beside her, in an oasis, remember drinking the water of life from their past lives.

Any secret well kept by advisers who had contact with the desert prophet himself.

The crawling creatures were said to be unlike anything anyone had ever seen before, even though they had multiple tentacles, glow-in-the-dark eyes, and venomous bites, as they crawled out of the sand at night and attacked anything in their path. On the way, they invaded that region, the city was overtaken by monsters and crawling worms.

Even though the Red Desert Wizards knew they needed to protect the people of their land, they set out to find a way to stop the creatures.

People began to despair at that time when they were asking for help from hikers and traveling salesmen in the desert.

For many years, mages studied ancient texts and experimented with different spells, trying to find a way to defeat the creatures, in which they discovered that the creatures were controlled by a powerful sorcerer, who lived deep in the desert, and that the only way to stopping them was defeating the sorcerer.

They went to invest towards the great conquests that were deserved, the merchants of the desert who transported the goods and the supplies, some food for the cities, exchanging goods.

The wizards' base was a tall tower that spanned the red desert in which they were gathered as another force to strike and protect the Ayatollah of the Desert, the lord and lion of fire who reigned over the sands.