Amidst those gathered at their base in the great stone tower of the Red Desert, in which the Mages of the Red Desert set out on a journey to find the sorcerer's lair and end his evil ways, in which they travelled through the desert, facing many dangers along the way, including sandstorms, scorching heat, and the crawling creatures themselves.

When they faced the great dark forces that tried to invade the emir 's palace, they went to invade and plunder the cities.

Finally, they reached the sorcerer's lair, in the middle of the desert , in which there, in which they fought with the soldiers of their enemies, in which they engaged in a fierce battle with the sorcerer and his minions, but in the end, they were able to defeat him and end his control over the crawling creatures.

It was their adventures with the sorcerers that defeated the creeping creatures retreated to the sand, and the desert was safe once more, as the Wizards of the Red Desert returned to their stronghold, where they were celebrated as heroes.

From then on, the people of the desert knew that they could always count on the Wizards of the Red Desert to protect them from the dangers of the desert of death.

Where even though the crawling creatures still roamed the desert, the people knew they would be safe as long as the Red Desert Wizards were there to protect them.

They were following through the desert, facing great dangers, their enemies, who could attack the defences of the cities, in addition to looting and making booty from the caravans.

This being a land of sand and magic and sorcery were common, there were rumours of dark tales of sorcerers who ventured into forbidden places to collect cursed relics.

Even though these sorcerers were said to be fearless and driven by a lust for power, they would stop at nothing to acquire the relics they sought.

So, what did it say that the relics were objects of immense power, imbued with dark magic that could grant the sorcerer who possessed them great strength and abilities, but they came at a great cost, as they were cursed, and anyone who dared wield them would be consumed by the darkness within.

So they were warned by the mages and ancient travelers who walked through the desert.

Despite the warnings, the sorcerers were determined to collect these relics and travelled to the furthest corners of the earth, braving treacherous terrains and facing deadly creatures, in which they ventured to ancient ruins and tombs where the relics would be hidden, and returned with their prize, wielding the mystical weapons they had acquired.

Since these sorcerers then sold their relics in the temples and castles of the earth, where they were coveted by kings and lords, who sought to gain advantage in battles and wars, but sorcerers did not care about the consequences of their actions, as they were driven only by his own greed and ambition.

So, as the years passed, the sorcerers grew stronger, but also more corrupt, and their powers began to consume them. They became ruthless and cruel, and their enemies trembled at their approach, but the people of the land knew that their time would come and that they would eventually succumb to the curse they had cast.

That so it was, that sorcerers, consumed by the darkness within, fell one by one, until their reign of terror finally ended, but their cursed relics remained, hidden in the temples and castles of the earth, waiting for the next sorcerer discovered them and unleashed their power once more.

As such, a series of dark tales of the cursed relics and the sorcerers who sought them lived on, a warning to all who dared use their power.

Moving towards the missions, where warriors roam the sand cemetery, where secrets and mysteries are kept, where there are hidden beings and stories of monsters.

In a land where the sand stretched as far as the eye could see, there were stories and legends of a place called Cemetery de Areia, which was said to be a sacred place, where warriors embarked on pilgrimages and missions to unravel the secrets and mysteries that lay there. hid.

When the warriors who ventured into the Graveyard of Sand were considered brave and fierce, as the journey was dangerous and many did not return, in which the sand was known to swallow men whole, and the heat was unbearable, but the warriors were determined to discover the secrets that were hidden in the cemetery, for it was said that great rewards awaited those who were brave enough to venture there.

As they advanced deeper into the cemetery, the warriors encountered many dangers, as they fought sand monsters that roamed the dunes and fought creepy creatures that lurked in the shadows, and they also encountered hidden beings, who were said to possess profound knowledge and power, but which were also dangerous and unpredictable.