The great red lion, the king and vizier of the sand kingdom, was at that time, gathering an army to charge against the enemy forces of the sand monster nomads.

The great lion of fire as he was known alongside his beloved, they were the immortals who were gathering forces and allies among the great kingdoms of the sand desert.

In the midst of this, they followed the sage and prophet of the sand, the immortal man who was in his cave, next to the tent, in the diamond and crystal desert, where they said that their enemies one day faced him and were transformed into diamond statues now exist as their trophies.

- There are dangers that you will encounter. – He said, as he saw each of the men who were waiting for his predictions, in which they were there together to hear the prophet's visions of the sand desert of diamond statues.

- They must go through the immensity of sand, see the dangers, in them they found beyond the cemeteries what they so desire and seek, they are waiting for them to see the great trials. - He said.

- It was the beauty of power that they seek so much, so they are looking for great riches and trophies. - He said.

So, go through the desert, face your great enemies and you will be champions, you will bring great fortunes, for you besides riches and you will be remembered as great warriors.

Despite the dangers, the warriors continued, driven by the desire to discover the secrets that were hidden in the Cemetery of Sand, and as they ventured deeper, they began to be challenged and see the riches, which were once statues in their great forces.

In which upon discovering the tales of long-forgotten monsters, alive there, amidst the rush towards them, in which they uncovered ancient tombs and ruins where monsters were buried, and found evidence of a great battle that took place. there are ages ago, in the midst of defying the creatures, which when defeated, in which they released the diamonds, gold and riches that were stored in their tombs for ages.

Even in their battles, in which the warriors did not find the secrets and mysteries they were looking for, the Sand Cemetery was a place of secrets that would never be fully revealed. And so the warriors returned home, where they told the stories of their journey and the monsters they encountered.

What though the warriors didn't find the answers they were looking for, they knew that the Sand Graveyard would always be a place of mystery and intrigue, and that the secrets that were hidden would continue to be the subject of stories and legends for generations. come over.

That was the greatest achievement, in that it was a land, where there was only sand stretching as far as the eye could see, there was a realm known as the Kingdom of Sands, that a long time ago they saw the great power that was imprisoned by these creatures.

In what was said to be a land of great beauty, long forgotten, even when traversing its immensity, passing through imposing dunes and endless deserts, even under its beauty there were secrets and mysteries that remained hidden for centuries.

In ages immemorial, there were ages when it was still ruled by an Ayatollah, a powerful and mysterious figure who reigned for centuries, when the lion of fire, the vizier, and king, now, faced the cursed nurse, who was behind, in which still ruled, in which he was known as the Nameless Lord and Sovereign, and his rule was absolute, when the people of the kingdom lived in fear of his wrath, but also revered him, as they believed him to possess great wisdom and power.

He ruled with an iron hand, those kingdoms, sovereigns, when they thought that, time, long ago, amid the great conquests.

The Ayatollah was said to have been chosen by the gods to rule the realm, and his rule was ordained by fate. He was said to be a just ruler, but also a ruthless one, as he brooked no dissent or rebellion.

The ancient sovereign rose from the dead, at that time, to try to take the throne of the red lion when everyone was facing his armies of zombie coyotes, he made a pact with an ancient god to be able to return to the land of sand, as far as they knew.

- How will we overcome this former sovereign? – The great lion of fire questioned, next to his followers.

The prophet, with his vision, when they returned to learn more about the power of the dead from the former nameless ruler, his name was forgotten, according to the prophet.

- His name was erased, but when you know his name, you will have to send him back to his tomb, but this time, you must burn until ashes remain. – The prophet said.

Despite his fearsome reputation, the people of the kingdom prospered under his rule until they were driven mad by the promises of immortality that his kingdom would last forever.

According to ancient inscriptions that existed in their ancient pyramid, they marched towards the desert.

He was imprisoned by kingdom was known for its wealth and prosperity, and its people were said to be among the most skillful and knowledgeable in the land, when in the beginning, in which they were known for their crafts, and their art and architecture were considered incomparable.

The great ancient god of the dead, made an agreement for them to become rich, but taken by greed, they began to kill each other in exchange for promises of immortality, when they began to invest towards other kingdoms, killing their inhabitants, the cursing and sacrificing them in exchange for their immortality.

When the sages, kings and ancient emperors, in turn, that hour, called a great warrior who was the first champion of the sand, in which everyone was summoning their greatest warriors, among them, the vizier who was called the sun of dawn , that man simply, had the strength of a thousand suns, at dusk.

As they stood united amidst the great onslaught in which they fought and imprisoned their army along with their former queen who saw their kingdom fall into destruction and decay, even now beneath the surface.

In that there were throughout the battles, amidst the interior of the pyramid, among the ancient gods, their whispers of dark secrets and mysteries that were kept hidden from the people.

Now, the Ayatollah was said to have access to ancient knowledge and powers that had been passed down through the centuries, where some believed he possessed great magical abilities and that he could control the elements and bend the will of others.

He inherited the power and knowledge of the great dawning sun, facing his newest enemy.

So, saving once more, Midnight Fire, when all were incinerating him, joining their forces together, taking from those tombs in the pyramid their inscriptions and the ancient books, so that they could not be used by another being who could bring the power of the ancient forgotten god.

So, as the centuries passed, the Ayatollah's rule remained unchallenged and the kingdom prospered, even as the secrets and mysteries that lay hidden beneath the surface continued to be the subject of stories and legends.

In that although the people of the realm knew that they would never fully understand the secrets and mysteries he acquired from the ancient lord and unnamed sovereign, they knew that the Kingdom of Sands would always be a place of beauty and wonder.

So, sealing the pyramid, that ancient tomb, with the forces of chaos contained in that ancient mausoleum they could now, leave, keep the realm safe once more.

With these tales stories, about the beautiful and strong man, long ago, the Ayatollah died in a great battle against an evil creature to protect his kingdom, he was reincarnated into a vizier, where he was known as the great lion of fire, the protector of the sand kingdoms, where he roams its vastness as their new king and protector.

A long time ago, in the Kingdom of Sands, there was a powerful and handsome man who was known as Ayatollah, in which he was the ruler of the kingdom and was loved and respected by his people, but one day, an evil creature emerged from the depths of the desert. , threatening to destroy the kingdom and all its people, when the Ayatollah knew he had to protect his kingdom and its people, so he gathered his armies and rode out to meet the creature in battle.