He advanced towards the serpent demon witch, at that time, due to the full moon, he had a power to be envied.

"Stay back, citizens of Lovecraft", the avatar of the dragons, who was beside Tsuki who was among the demons, unsheathing his sword.

- I will not let this dragon get hurt.

- Oh, my gentleman. – The big dragon said, with a smile full of teeth.

- I do my part, honey. – The demon said, while fighting around against the monsters that advanced towards them.

As the heroes watched in amazement, the demon charged towards several beasts that were trying to charge towards Tsuki.

With his sword raised, as they fought the other beasts, with a roar, Tsuki descended on him, the force of his impact causing the ground to shake.

Launching its flames towards the monsters, scorching them, and burning them to ashes.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, an Amazon warrior was fighting a horde of monsters.

She was a fierce warrior, even though she was almost always fighting other monsters, it was a small occurrence when the creatures advanced towards her.

She slashed with her sword, cutting the creatures with ease, however, as she fought, a witch appeared before her, laughing with joy.

"I will feast on your life force, warrior." When the sorcerer hissed, turning into a chimera the witch was throwing her victims towards the amazon, when the amazon fought valiantly but was outnumbered and soon found herself cornered.

She was called the great Miraculous Woman, strong, muscular, and beautiful, but not so strong against magic.

As the witch was about to claim her prize, a group of sorcerers arrived at the scene, when they were powerful magicians, each skilled in their own unique way.

Launching a wave of energy, the Amazon with her shield retaliated, but it was difficult, the teeth of the beasts grabbed her shield.

The sorcerers Morgana, Circe, Hecate, Medea, Nix, Medusa, who recently joined her side.

When the sorcerers used their magic to save Lovecraft's people, they soon discovered an old woman who was kidnapping and absorbing the youth of her desperate victims.

That damned old hag was determined to keep her youth and beauty intact, even if it meant sacrificing other people.

She sent a mist towards the witches who were being cornered in circles around, while monsters rushed towards the witches.

One of the sorcerers, an ancient one of the most beautiful, was Nix who wise, knew exactly how to defeat the evil enchantress, when she used the power of her magic and, with a powerful spell, transformed the old woman into an old witch.

- Damn. – She shouted, even in her old crone form.

Lovecraft's people rejoiced, knowing their beloved city was safe once more, as they were saved by the city's heroes standing tall and proud, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

When Lovecraft's magic continued to shimmer and shine, a testament to the power of the city and its people, in which many were fighting the renegade witches, who advanced as people were turned into elders, as the witch tried to flee with her victims. , sweating out her youth, in which she became young again.

Lovecraft's city was a magical wonderland, full of tall spiers and bright lights, it lurked among the misty tall buildings, the gargoyles that were fighting the other winged monsters that formerly adorned the buildings, in which they came by air. it was filled with the sweet scent of enchanted flowers, and the sound of laughter echoed through the streets.

When the Amazon was cornered, almost defeated, when she tried at that time to fight back against the other witch who invested in her direction.

The city's heroes gathered for an important event, discussing the future of their beloved home, when however, in the middle of the meeting, a deafening roar shattered the peace.

As he fought the monsters that tried to destroy the city, he swallowed them, the great dragon Tsuki.

Tsuki, an avatar of the dragons, emerged from the sky, his scales glistening in the sunlight, as he landed in the center of town, causing the ground to shake beneath his feet.

As they battled other monsters, defending the citizens who were fleeing, they revered the great draconian beast.

On the other side of the city, where the Amazon was fighting, not giving any chance that other beings could dominate the city.

The sorcerers advanced towards a group of Morlocks who were fighting zombies that had been incinerated with their magic.

In another part of the city, the Amazon fought valiantly, but she was outnumbered and soon found herself cornered.

She was going to be devoured, even though a part of her body was blackened and mummified, she aged seconds with each bite of the beast in her direction.

The witch and monster cornered her, would devour her, she would fall in battle, when just as the witch was about to claim her prize, a group of witches arrived on the scene, ready to save the day.

Circe was the first to step forward, leaping with a roar of magic as she defended someone she never imagined helping.

- First time for everything, it is not Selene. - She said.

A favour done for her to tell Tsuki that she did not hold a grudge and would not pick on her.

With their long history of battles, pet peeves and sometimes their great enmity among the Amazons, this was still new, for both of them of course.

Nix took the Miraculous and took her out of the battle zone while she healed her.

- Be well, amazon. – The sorcerer cured her by returning to the others.

The sorcerers used their magic to save Lovecraft's people, but soon discovered an old woman who was kidnapping and absorbing the youth of her desperate victims.

That old woman was determined to keep her youth and beauty intact, even if it meant sacrificing other people.

With their magical powers combined, the sorcerers managed to save the remaining victims and defeat the old woman, sucking out her magic, with a ball of energy that turned into an old hag.

Tsuki defeated his enemy, of course, eating him, there was nothing left.

Lovecraft's heroes rejoiced and celebrated their victory over a part of the city, which was saved from hordes of monsters.

As everyone learned that their beloved city was safe once more, the city's magic continued to shimmer and shine, as Lovecraft's heroes stood together, ready to face any challenge that came their way.