While the other magical enemies roamed the streets, they drained the energy from their victims, leaving them weak and powerless, in which, however, some managed to escape and take refuge in hidden corners of the city.

When they were fighting the monsters that advanced towards them.

One such group of survivors was discovered by an old woman who possessed powerful magic. She was determined to keep her youth and beauty intact and was kidnapping and absorbing her desperate victims' youth.

In the midst of her escape, sneaking between the buildings, running through the alleys, when she cast spells on her pursuers who were retaliated with spells, in which she found her victims along the way.

As the old woman ran and found her countless victims who were used for her escape through the city, she came across an Amazon warrior who was determined to fight the dark magicians.

When he was recovering, in which the Amazon warrior was involved in a fierce battle with other magicians at her side, another sorceress, Morgana, who was casting spells creating an unlikely duo between former enemies, but at that time, when he suffered a spell, in that she would be left for dead if Medusa didn't step forward to protect her and destroy the spell draining her energy, saving her.

At that moment when everyone was fighting, when they were advancing towards hordes of monsters that attacked them, Medusa got rid of other monsters, even though she used her snakes and petrified her fighters, in turn, Nix turned the zombies into dust.

Meanwhile, when the mages were about to claim their victory, they remembered their old enmity with the Amazon warrior.

- You thought you could defeat us? You are nothing compared to our power. - The women teased the Amazon towards the ground when they saved them.

So, even at that moment, two powerful sorcerers, Circe, and Morgana, entered the picture, as they came to save the Amazon and put an end to the wizard invasion.

Monsters that appeared in the clouds were easily defeated, with magic blows.

The witches fought a fierce battle with the wizards and it looked like they were going to lose, when cornered and surrounded in a globe that took away their air, gradually diminishing, making them more lethargic, in which they thought they would be asphyxiated, in which, however. .., that changed, they managed to fight back at the last moment.

About that.

In another part of town.

Amasteus was fighting a serpent demon, he transformed himself into a gigantic blue centipede, with claws, chasing through the air, with his bat wings, in which he managed to defeat, the immense serpent.

In the midst of this, his demon ally and dragon Tsuki, who fought with other monsters, defeated their opponents.

In the other side of the city.

When witches fought their opponents.

It was when they united their powers, creating a series of explosion waves, destroying the dome, freeing them, when they thought they would be killed, the other sorcerers conjured spears and claws in diamond shapes that advanced towards them.

In which they teamed up creating a barrier, so that at the last minute, they managed to regroup and get back into the fight, subduing the skeletal old sorcerer who had been kidnapping and absorbing her victims' youth.

They released their victims, when the witch tried in vain to kill them, with her spells that returned in their direction.

In the middle of the city, there was a group of mages who invaded the city with their powerful magic, in which they came to take control and use their powers to rule the people.

While walking through the city, the mages encountered an old woman who was known to possess great magical abilities, in which she managed to keep her youth intact by kidnapping and absorbing the youth of the desperate victims around her.

One of the magicians spoke to the old woman: "We have come to rule this city. You can join us, and we can share our power."

At that time, the enemy witches and wizards began to fight for power, ignoring the sorcerers who, laughing, thought that some time ago, they did the same things, when they were former villains, of the Miraculous Woman.

So, they let them fight, in the middle of the battle in the middle of the fights, that they tried to launch their monsters towards their former allies, now, enemies.

The old woman replied, "I will never join you. My magic is mine and I will not share it with anyone."

At that point, an Amazon warrior appeared and confronted the mages. "You will not dominate this city. We will fight you with everything we've got."

Before they managed to get out of the disagreement, the old witch drained the life energy of their former allies, the smiling witches began to place themselves around them, when they turned around, which they were in which they were surrounded by monsters, cornered and were trapped, with spells that defeated them, throwing in a ball of energy that trapped them together.

The mages, Circe, Medea, Hecate, Morgana, Nix and Medusa, who were laughing, when defeating their enemies, who, when they realized they were caught in a trap, even though they were powerful and skilled in their craft, managed to defeat the Amazon warrior, leaving her almost lifeless on the ground.

As they were leaving, the wizards remembered their enmity with the Amazon and began to taunt her. "You thought you could defeat us? You are nothing compared to our power."

But just as they were about to strike the final blow, two powerful sorcerers, Circe, and Morgana, entered the picture, as they came to save the Amazon and put an end to the wizard invasion.

The sorcerers fought a fierce battle with the wizards and at one point it looked like they were going to lose, however at the last minute they managed to regroup and get back into the fight, the remaining zombies who were incinerated.

Everyone was with one of the renegade magicians being defeated, when they were dominating the evil sorcerer who had kidnapped and absorbed the youth of desperate victims, many of their enemies, looked more like old people who did not accept age, mortals, not gods.

With their combined magic, Circe and Morgana transformed the crone into her true form, an old hag, when they vanquished their enemies, casting spells that defeated the magicians. They were chased by golems and the city was saved from their tyranny.

Tsuki emerged soon after, in the middle of downtown, reverting to human form, with his belly full, alongside his fellow demon who defeated other monsters.

- We won, for the first time. Circe said.

- Well done, girls. – Hikaru said, in his human form.

The people rejoiced and celebrated the victory of the witches and the Amazon warrior who fought bravely to defend their city.

When they were saved, that is when everyone rejoiced and celebrated the victory of the witches and the Amazon warrior who fought bravely to defend their city, when the dark magicians were defeated, and peace was restored in the once chaotic city.

With their combined magic, Circe and Morgana transformed the old woman into her true form, an old witch, with the other magicians they were defeated, and the city was saved from their tyranny.

Taking her to prison, when she could no longer fight back, she was then reduced to an elderly lady, who seemed to age by the minute.

What did they think that siding with the heroes had its benefits, you always won as well as being bragging.

When they returned to the event, where they went to celebrate, in the middle of the event when everything went back to normal, in the middle of the lectures, when everything was happening when the writers' strike continued.