Dark-Hold's turn. – The announcer said to the public.

- We'll have to fight together for our lives. - Dark-Hold said, Astro-Star.

- I would not want to be a slave to demons. - Dark-Hold said.

- So do your part. – Astro-Star said.

At that time, two monsters entered the Ring, it was huge anyway, with a barrier, in which they were seeing a yellow and scaly lizard that had a tail, walked on its two hind legs, was the shape of a yellow dragon, while the another was a blue bipedal dragon with tails and tentacles.

They were more than twenty meters tall, the other monsters and demons cheered and shouted towards them, when everyone saw the flashes and cameras, the big monitors showed the other worlds screaming and betting on them.

Miraculous Woman and Ultra Woman entered as the unlikely duo, alongside two other Amazons, to be seen alongside their opponents, giant orange women with multiple heads and arms, in addition to six legs, they were muscular with open monster mouths, when they were prepared.

While they would punch their opponents, in the midst of a hand-to-hand fight, to be kicked and with blows from their arms, lifting them.

Such as huge blows of impacts, with successive punches of several arms, being a fight without any equally, totally harmful, with screams of lightning that launched them towards the other side of the ring.

Where the other women were punching and kicking, where they were throwing them into the air, when they tried to fly, to be swatted and punched with several successive punches, where they were being stomped, with swings of their arms, with knees to their feet. stomachs.

When they were being swept towards the ring, when they were pounded into unconsciousness, then thrown across the ring, unconscious.

Being carried away on stretchers, when they saw that it was not the least bit

When then, the Judge made his presentation.

- The father and son duo the masters of terror, two generations of the god destroyers, the lords of battles, the champions of chaos. - He said.

- They will fight against the greatest moonstones in the history of the galaxy, the enemies that today will fight together for the first time.

- Get ready and fight. - He said, leaving the ring.

As they rushed towards each of them, as they released impact sparks, their bodies released lightning and a loud bang that shook the structure and broke a large electrical circuit.

During punches that released waves of energy, when one of them, the monsters, jumped with high heels, towards the air, jumping with a blow of what would be their tentacles, towards the two selenite’s that were jumping and flying with punches and kicks when they had your legs.

Turning their arms into tentacles, when they sucked their energy, when they were launched towards the ceiling, where they tried to break free, to be punched and sent towards the floor of the ring, trampled with waves of energy.

Trying to break free, to be punched and with their tentacles wrapped around by tentacles, and thrown towards the force field, when they punched them, curling with waves of electricity, being electrocuted.

It was then, with its waves of impact with each attempted punch being countered by waves of barriers that threw them into the air, making both monsters jump and punch them with waves of flames.

Then, they were thrown towards the ground, when they lost by being knocked out, towards the ground.

- 1 – He said.

- 2 – He said.

3 – He said.

- Outside.

- The victory of the monsters. - He said.

- No... – Astro-Star said, as he was carried around the ring on a stretcher.

When he saw the barrier go down, he saw the audience screaming and giving the monsters a round of applause.

At that time, he saw Tsuki getting up to be trumpeted.

There was a standing ovation and applause as Earth's greatest heroes won.

Tsuki descended from the bleachers around him, the greatest demons, lords of chaos and order.

- This will be the first event, it will be the first debut of the big event every 3 months of Lovecraft County city championships.

- This was the first fight of the great championship of the so-called great Monsters and Demons League, which will be held here, as the first event of the great mystical migration, the first.

- Now the great fighting season of the Great League of Shadows . Tsuki said.

- Entry will be charged and everyone is invited to watch, open the bets. Tsuki said.

At that time, everyone was recovering in the infirmary.

- I lost. – Astro-Star said.

- What did you do, Tsuki? – Astro-Star questioned the businessperson.

- You've been tricked. – Tsuki said, beside his ally.

- We use you as bait to attract the general public, I'm sorry, but that's how it is. Tsuki said.

- The world, everyone who is here, how will it be? – Miraculous questioned.

- It turns out that you were used as a decoy, your planet will not be enslaved or destroyed, I just needed an excuse to force you to fight with all you might so that we can have a great debut, this first phase of championships.

- I lost. – Miraculous Woman said.

- Me too. – Astro-Star said.

- That was the plan, attract sponsors, bring the biggest of all monsters, debut a great monster championship, where the biggest monsters beat all the heroes and villains of Earth. Tsuki said. – I knew you would lose. Tsuki said.

- You deceived us and used us. – Flashlight said.

- If it were otherwise, you would never have agreed to participate. Tsuki said. “It was for the greater good. Tsuki said.

- Is the deal still open? – Tsuki questioned, towards the demon at his side.

- You earned my respect and my alliance. - He said. - You can leave, when you recover, go back to your lives. – So, they both got out of there, leaving them.

When they got out of there, a few things happened in order.

Tsuki received a briefcase of money, when they arrived at an office of the Order of Chaos Demons.