- As we get donations, incentives and sponsors, you will receive more than you wanted, an amount of money to show my satisfaction.

- Second wanted an increase in earnings. - He said. – We have here one hundred billion dollars for you, taking advantage, you can buy yourself the ring, but I want to propose a deal. - He said.

- What would it be? – He questioned him.

- I propose having a lifetime contract to host the championships throughout the city, in addition to a structure plan, revitalization and a housing and urbanization plan when I bring a good part of the housing incentive plan so that everyone can live in harmony at the headquarters of the great supernatural city my people would be free to go and see. - He said.

- This would have to be put in plenary, in addition to encouraging and investing in the city we will be able to buy it, so you can put your plans into practice. Tsuki said.

- Well, be it so, let's send projects to the city council then, buy the city, with a vote with shows. Tsuki said.

- Get drunk and induce happiness in the population so that we can compose a peaceful environment. - The demon said.

They went to party in the middle of signing a document before leaving, as they entered into an agreement and an alliance.

Amasteus arrived there invited to make the business official when he was taking it to register at the notary.

Afterwards, Tsuki returned to his mansion when he went to rest.

Lovecraft county

Time present.

At that time, in addition to arranging a meeting the next day at the city hall, with the organization of a large charity event, Tsuki put the money in the pockets of politicians with incentives for the development of the city.

Debuting and inaugurating a large carnival, when they held a party, Tsuki prevented the sale and expropriation of numerous condominiums and began city reform and urbanization with the structure of the city.

The great world fever, became the first championship of monsters and demons based in Lovecraft County.

The entry into the order of chaos among the ancient demons, was done with Royalties and acquisitions of a large monster tournament, the world fever, more than half of the money that was raised, served as a tax abatement, was used to convert into administration of the city of Lovecraft County.

Among the greatest warriors who were fighting in the city rings, where monsters and demons fought between bets with the mafia, humans, monsters and demons paid to enter the stadiums and watch the championships.

With the fights were phenomenal, where the greatest benefactor and who managed was the businessman, Tsuki Miki Delphos, it was his entrance to the great chaos, where he was the first human in millennia, thanks to the law there is peace between demons and monsters .

Turners moved the economy, tourism, there was a new acquisition, where he bought countless enterprises, in addition to converting them into subsidies, he bought the properties where the city was based, where who became the main investor and who renovated, even though magic, with the first host city being Lovecraft County.

So, there became a place that was bigger inside than outside, the headquarters and in addition to housing administration, who became the main benefactor of the city, where humans coexisted with demons, among monsters, who had as their main champion, blue, scaly, a kind of lizard with a blue tail, with a gelatinous body, a real demon.

Where sometimes a tentacular blue monster that can mimic stones, use magic, change shape, bigger than a 100-story building, which has a belt, moreover, won in five consecutive victories in less than two hours, all members of the Warriors Society, still left them alive.

Glorious Dragon King, he was trained by Dark -Dragon personally, between passes of magic, between blows of his whip, to mimic the glories, besides leaving each one of them, unconscious, in less than

In the golden age of Lovecraft County, more than 70 years ago, in the wealthy city where the so-called high-income business town was, long ago, the former property of a local farmer, when Hizashi Delphos ceded a property of his .

Since the only problem was that that place had a terrible appearance, in addition to being a marsh that was part of a swamp, it happened that there was a large field of more than a thousand hectares that was expropriated for the construction of popular houses, between the first city stadium that would be the place where a big event would be held.

It was then, the government at that time built a large building that hosted high society parties for over 30 years, it was a rich place full of major events, including parties, as well as high society theatre and movies.

From the first moment, each of the 12 stadiums in the city were a commercial failure, all trade and sources of investment were unsuccessful, due to the existing hills, there was a series of floods during the rainy season, since there were also swamps and land unstable.

That place is between steep slopes and landslides, in those following years it became a gloomy and abandoned swamp where the city's mobsters began to deposit their bodies, being the home of dark and decadent creatures, in addition to archival burning and murders, between streets seedy, dark, high crime.

As the city was declining, crime was gaining space, the city was built around it, popular houses for workers who went to work in the works of a factory that was also built for the so-called great subway work, which was close to a pier. which would be built next to a port that would serve to bring merchandise and maritime transport between import and export.

Little by little, the rich began to leave that previously rich city, then, they began to decay becoming a criminal city, little by little that huge building was abandoned, then falling into decay and without renovations, when it was abandoned for more than 10 years.

Then came new developments, when the subway was abandoned by attacks, becoming a den of criminals, that part of the city was abandoned when they built the subway in another part of the city.

With the new mayor during the elections, who were looking for investments and plans for donations and funds, he came up with a new plan so that he could rebuild and rebuild that building, then, the plan came, to build a huge stadium where there was previously the big building, called of Cezar Delayer .

A little over 15 years ago, when finally after several times the works stopped, during the last soccer world cup that was hosted in the North American country.

It happened that in the midst of this, they managed to finish the works, building the great stadium with the promise of success, in the midst of a draw between the cities of Golden Valle and Lovecraft County, due to the lack or perhaps the absence of a bald businessman who in the time was imprisoned for trying to destroy the world in a plan of world domination.

Since just over six months earlier, this same bald guy was deposed, so his city was taken out of the lottery, it happened that due to the philanthropy of Tsuki Miki Delphos, he granted aid to humanity, a long history of helping people in need.

All this with a benefactress and a great donation for the construction and maintenance of the city's infrastructure, with a request for tax exemption, your city...

Lovecraft County...