We’ve Found Something Remarkable!

“Hey, young man. Did you hear what I just said?”


Sherlock’s question brought Chad out of his pensive mode. “You look lost there for a moment. I can tell that you’re finding this hard to believe.” He touched his shoulder and told him, “Don’t stress your brain, young man, we will collect all the necessary data and be out of your hair in no time.”

“Mr Urchard we’ve found something! Come take a look.” A CRC agent within the barn brought an urgent issue to Sherlock’s focus.

“I’ll be right there.” He nodded his head at Chad before following the agent into the barn. “What did you discover?” Sherlock moved briskly to the area of interest.

They stopped at the back of the barn at the broken fence where the cattle escaped from. A female agent was operating one of the portable Quantum Resonance Transponders just over a pile of filth. The device was firing an array of green laser beams that were collecting vital data from the dung pile.

“Sir take a look at these readings?” She showed the interface to Sherlock who could better understand it.

“These readings are highlighting recurring quantum signatures, not of this timeline. The data graph is producing a consecutive extrapolation of Outer Burst quanta. This means there is a tangible presence right here. It must be hidden inside the cow faeces. Quickly, we need to retrieve whatever it is before the pureness of the unknown substance is compromised.”

In haste, Sherlock opened his briefcase and equipped a pair of protective gloves. He also took out a durable grasper coated with a special synthetic polymer. Telling the others to give him some space, Sherlock positioned himself over the dung pile where he extended the grasper inside. He searched the warm mess with such zeal that he wasn’t bothered at all by the funky smell. Soon he located what he was searching for.

“I think I got something.” Sensing minimal resistance between the flat teeth of the grasper, Sherlock carefully withdrew his hand.

“What did you find, sir?” The female agent was curious to know about the bizarre object.

Moving the acquired object under brighter lighting where he could better observe it, Sherlock used a bottle of water to wash away the filth stain then replied to the lady’s inquiry, “It’s some sort of rock that is darker than pitch.” He carefully placed it into a sample jar and rescanned it with the portable Quantum Resonance Transponder device.

“These readings are remarkable!” The scanners were going berserk. “This little piece of rock is giving off high Outer Burst wave frequency, none that I’ve ever seen before.”

The surrounding agents were baffled by this discovery. “Do you believe it is the source of the earlier disturbance that was caught by our satellites?”

“Could be.” Sherlock second guess himself. “However, the output is minimal compared to the one our satellite picked up.” As soon as he thought about this, another agent who was searching the barn brought something else to his attention.

“Mr Urchard look at this.”

“What do you have there, Gadgil?”

“I think it might be someone’s hair. Look at the weird radiance.” Gadgil showed the silver follicle to Sherlock.

Some other agents came along to inspect it. “According to the scanners, this silver hair is also producing similar readings as that piece of rock, however, not as strong.”

“How strange.” Sherlock started to become intrigued by the silver hair. He placed the strand into a transparent vial which he put into another device for further analysis. The result showed the atomic composite as well as a mixed DNA helix relative to a bipedal creature.

“What did you find, professor?” Inquired a curious agent. “Do you think the strand came from one of the cattle?”

“Based on these preliminary results that possibility is likely. However, after comparing both follicles, only this silver strand is giving off Outer Burst wave frequency and cellular construct belonging to human biology.”

“So are you saying that a human might have been transported during the Outer Burst anomaly, Professor Urchard?”

“That is just my assumption right now. I’m not entirely sure. Search the area for more of these silver strands and whatever else you can find with traces of Outer Burst wave frequency.”

“Right away, sir.” The agent went back to scouring the barn for anything that was out of place.

Observing the acquired data that had been gathered so far, Sherlock had a feeling that something was amiss. That was when he noticed the separate size of footprints leading from the broken fence area. The pair that stood out the most was the smaller footprints that looked like they belonged to a child.

“Those footprints are too small to belong to any of our agents.” Sherlock borrowed a Quantum Resonance Transponder device from one of the CRC agents close by and used it to scan the child's footprint. He found traces of Outer Burst energy emanating from it.

“Hm.” Sherlock began thinking about what the agent suggested about a human being transported along with the Outer Burst anomaly. “Maybe that young man could tell me something.” He directed his sight to the entrance of the barn but didn’t see Chad anywhere.

“Where did he go?” Sherlock needed some answers to the questions he had stored in his mind and Chad was the only person he could think of to give them to him. Thus he walked to the barn exit in search of him.

Coming outside the barn, Sherlock asked an agent that was stationed there about the whereabouts of the Berkleys’ son.

“He said he was going to the house to check on something a while ago.”

“Going to the house.” Sherlock shifted his eyes in the direction of the farmhouse and spotted Chad dashing through the front door as if he was in an emergency.

“Why is he in such a hurry?” Sherlock thought that Chad's behaviour was strange but he figured he might have gone inside to contact his parents to inform them of the situation taking place on their ranch.

“I’ll speak to him later.” About to re-enter the barn, Sherlock accidentally bumped his leg into the pitchfork that Chad stuck into the ground. “Ouch, who put this in the way?” He thought it would cause another accident and decided to move it. The moment he grasp the handle, the device in his other hand started beeping.

“What is it now?” Sherlock perused the device interface and recognized that it was displaying traces of Outer Burst energy. “Where is it coming from?” He quickly identified the source. “This pitchfork? Could it be…?”